Hans Zimmer
D: Hans Florian Zimmer (* 12. September 1957 in Frankfurt am Main) ist ein deutscher Filmkomponist und Musikproduzent. Der Oscarpreisträger arbeitet in Hollywood.
Er gilt als einer der einflussreichsten und bekanntesten Filmkomponisten der Gegenwart und wurde bereits zehn Mal für den Oscar, zwölfmal für den Golden Globe Award und zehnmal für den Grammy Award nominiert. 1995 wurde er für die Filmmusik zu Der König der Löwen mit einem Oscar ausgezeichnet. 2010 bekam er einen Stern auf dem Hollywood Walk of Fame. 2011 folgte ein Stern auf dem Boulevard der Stars in Berlin.
Leben und Karriere
Zimmer erlernte als Kind das Klavierspiel im Elternhaus in Königstein-Falkenstein, wobei er nur kurze Zeit einen Klavierlehrer hatte, da er sich dessen Disziplin hinsichtlich der Grundregeln für einen Pianisten nicht unterwerfen wollte. Er machte im englischen Internat Hurtwood House in Dorking, Surrey das Abitur und spielte in Gruppen wie Krisma und Helden (mit dem Schlagzeuger von Ultravox, Warren Cann) am Synthesizer. Eine akademische musikalische Ausbildung durchlief er nicht. Hans Zimmer ist verheiratet und hat vier Kinder. In einem Interview im Mai 2014 verriet er, dass er jüdisch sei und dass seine Mutter 1939 vor den Nazis nach England floh.
Jahre in England
Ende der 1970er Jahre war Zimmer Komponist von Werbemusikjingles und wirkte im Videoclip des Buggles-Hit Video Killed the Radio Star am Modular-Synthesizer mit. Im Londoner Studio Air Edel komponierte er Werbe- und Radio-Jingles. Dort lernte er den bekannten englischen Filmmusik-Komponisten Stanley Myers kennen, dessen Assistent er 1980 wurde. Von ihm lernte Zimmer viel über das Komponieren für ein Orchester. Durch diese Zusammenarbeit bekam er erste kleinere Aufträge für eigene Filmmusikkompositionen. Ende der 1980er Jahren machte er durch die Vertonung von Filmen wie Rain Man auf sich aufmerksam.
Zimmer wurde Anfang der 1990er Jahre vor allem wegen seiner innovativen Kombination von Orchester- und Synthesizer-Klängen bekannt. Mit Ridley Scotts Black Rain und Ron Howards Backdraft – Männer, die durchs Feuer gehen schuf er einen neuartigen Stil, Actionfilme zu vertonen. Besonders Backdraft gilt als Meilenstein der Filmmusikgeschichte: Zimmers Entscheidung, den Film mit einem sogenannten „Wall-to-Wall Score“ zu vertonen, also den Großteil des Films mit Musik zu unterlegen, schuf den Prototyp für viele Action-Filmmusiken, die danach in Hollywood produziert wurden. Die Stilistik, die grob auf einem mächtigen Hauptthema, rhythmischen Action-Motiven und behutsameren Passagen für die beiden Hauptfiguren (dargestellt von Kurt Russell und William Baldwin) basiert, findet sich in zahlreichen späteren Filmmusiken wieder.
Gemeinsam mit seinem Partner Jay Rifkin gründete er Mitte der 1980er-Jahre das Filmmusikstudio Media Ventures. Im Jahre 2003 übernahm Zimmer nach einem Rechtsstreit mit Rifkin mit seinem Unternehmen Remote Control Productions das Geschäft. Remote Control ist eine Art Talentschmiede, in der auch einige andere Filmmusik-Komponisten, wie z. B. Steve Jablonsky, James Dooley, Heitor Pereira und Geoff Zanelli arbeiten. Zu den bekanntesten ehemaligen Remote-Control-Komponisten gehören Klaus Badelt, John Powell, Nick Glennie-Smith, Mark Mancina und Harry Gregson-Williams.
Zimmer lebt und arbeitet heute in Los Angeles und zählt zu den erfolgreichsten und einflussreichsten Filmkomponisten der Hollywood-Geschichte. Nach dem Abschluss der Arbeiten an Illuminati – Angels & Demons plante Zimmer, einige Konzerte zu geben, jedoch konnte dies bislang nur eingeschränkt verwirklicht werden, da er neue Aufträge annahm. Wie er in einem Interview mit der Internetseite Amazona.de sagte, sind die meisten Regisseure, mit denen er zusammenarbeitet, seine Freunde, und daher falle es ihm schwer, einen Auftrag von ihnen abzulehnen.
Im Europäischen Jahr des interkulturellen Dialogs 2008 engagierte sich Hans Zimmer als Botschafter in Deutschland. Ziel der Kampagne der Europäischen Kommission war es, die Menschen in allen 27 EU-Ländern über die Vorteile von Vielfalt zu informieren und sie für einen interkulturellen Austausch zu begeistern.
Als Reaktion auf den Anschlag von Aurora im Juli 2012 veröffentlichte er die Komposition „Aurora“. Der gesamte Erlös soll den Opfern und ihren Familien gespendet werden.
Die Verwendung von ethnischen Instrumenten, wie z. B. das Duduk in Gladiator (gespielt vom armenischen Dudukspieler Djivan Gasparyan), Flöten in Rangoon – Im Herzen des Sturms oder Taikos in Last Samurai, ist eines seiner Markenzeichen. Dazu gehören auch Kompositionen mit afrikanischen Einflüssen, wie z. B. Zwei Welten, Im Glanz der Sonne, Der König der Löwen und Black Hawk Down, aber auch Musik zu Komödien wie Besser geht’s nicht oder Tricks oder auch zu dem Action-Film The Dark Knight Rises. -Mit den Regisseuren Ridley Scott, James L. Brooks, Gore Verbinski, Penny Marshall und Christopher Nolan arbeitet er regelmäßig zusammen. Seine Musik zu Terrence Malicks Film Der schmale Grat gilt als eines seiner besten Werke. Zimmer selbst bezeichnet Ennio Morricone als sein großes Idol.
Zimmer arbeitet häufig mit denselben Musikern zusammen. So wird in vielen Musiken eine Gitarre von Heitor Pereira oder ein Cello von Martin Tillman gespielt.
Schon lange vor dem Start der Dreharbeiten komponiert Zimmer in der Regel Suiten, die alle
wesentlichen Bestandteile der späteren Filmmusik enthalten. Die Suiten dienen gegen Ende der Produktion als Basis für die Musik, die direkt zum Bild geschrieben wird. Aber auch die Suiten selbst werden meistens im Film und auf dem Soundtrack verwendet – so z. B. sind die Titel 9 bis 13 aus dem Soundtrack zu The Da Vinci Code – Sakrileg die von Zimmer geschriebene Suite. Diese Arbeitsweise erklärt Zimmer in einem Interview folgendermaßen:
„Ich habe darüber nachgedacht, wie ich in letzter Zeit arbeite. Die Dinge schon vor den Dreharbeiten zu schreiben, ist der bessere Weg. Die Filmtechnologie hat sich in den letzten Jahren, insbesondere durch Computereffekte, so stark verändert, dass es nun möglich ist, auch noch etwas in letzter Minute am Film zu ändern. Ich glaube, der alte Weg zu warten, bis der Film fertig geschnitten ist, und dann die letzten sechs bis zwölf Wochen, oder wie lange auch immer, die Musik zu schreiben und aufzunehmen, funktioniert heutzutage nicht mehr. Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, einen Teil der Musik vor diesen zwölf Wochen zu schreiben. Damit hat man selbst und die Filmemacher dann etwas, mit dem man arbeiten kann, während man über die Musik zum Bild nachdenkt. So hat man möglicherweise mehr Einfluss auf den Stil des Films. Außerdem kann man so diese ärgerlichen Temp-Track-Probleme lösen.“
– Hans Zimmer (übersetzt aus dem Englischen)
Häufig helfen andere Komponisten besonders gegen Ende der Filmproduktion Zimmer bei seinen Musiken, indem sie Teile für ihn auf Basis seiner Suiten und musikalischen Ideen orchestrieren, arrangieren oder komponieren. Diese kollaborative Arbeitsweise ist bei einigen Filmmusik-Fans umstritten, jedoch in Hollywood nicht völlig unüblich. Rupert Gregson-Williams sagt dazu in einem Interview folgendes:
„Hans ist eine Ikone und – meiner Meinung nach – ist die meiste Kritik gegen Media Ventures völlig unbegründet. Das häufigste Missverständnis ist, dass jeder an den Themen arbeitet, während Hans den Ruhm dafür bekommt. Nun, ich habe drei Monate mit Hans in Los Angeles an verschiedenen Szenen für ‚Der Prinz von Ägypten‘ gearbeitet – die Sandsturm-Sequenz, in der Moses von einem Kamel geweckt wird, und die Szene mit dem Tod der Erstgeborenen – und all die Themen wurden von Hans geschrieben. Meine Aufgabe war es, den thematischen Inhalt von Hans zu nehmen und es in meine Stücke für die Szene einzuarbeiten. Es gab eine Menge Diskussionen und Gespräche über die kontextuelle Bedeutung hinter dem Film und wie die Musik sich dazu verhält, aber die treibende Kraft dahinter war Hans. Ihm nur einmal bei der Arbeit zuzusehen, kreativ zu sein und einmal in dieser Atmosphäre zu sein war wunderbar. Außerdem ist Hans ein phänomenaler Orchestrator. Das ist etwas, was die Leute nicht verstehen.“
– Rupert Gregson-Williams (übersetzt aus dem Englischen)
Hans Zimmer komponiert nicht nur, sondern übernimmt bei Filmen auch die Ausführung als verantwortlicher Musikproduzent, wie etwa 2006 bei Ab durch die Hecke.
Nominierungen und Auszeichnungen
Auszeichnung mit dem Oscar
Mit Zwei Welten und Im Glanz der Sonne hatte Zimmer schon afrikanisch beeinflusste Musik geschrieben. Nicht zuletzt deswegen wurde er engagiert, um die Musik zu dem Disney-Zeichentrickfilm Der König der Löwen zu schreiben. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Lebo M entstand so eine viel beachtete Musik, die afrikanische Klänge mit traditionellen Orchesterklängen kombinierte. Der Soundtrack des Films gilt als einer der meistverkauften aller Zeiten. Im Jahre 1995 erhielt Zimmer für Der König der Löwen einen Oscar für die beste Filmmusik.
Quelle: Wikipedia
GB: Hans Florian Zimmer (German pronunciation: [hans ˌfloːʁi̯aːn ˈtsɪmɐ]; born 12 September 1957) is a film composer and music producer. He has composed music for over 150 films, including film scores for The Lion King, Crimson Tide, The Thin Red Line, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, 12 Years a Slave and Interstellar.
Zimmer spent the early part of his career in the United Kingdom before moving to the United States. He is the head of the film music division at DreamWorks studios and works with other composers through the company that he founded, Remote Control Productions.
Zimmer's works are notable for integrating electronic music sounds with traditional orchestral arrangements. He has received four Grammy Awards, three Classical BRIT Awards, two Golden Globes, and an Academy Award. He was also named on the list of Top 100 Living Geniuses, published by The Daily Telegraph.
Early life
Zimmer was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. As a young child, he lived in Königstein-Falkenstein, where he played the piano at home, but had piano lessons only briefly as he disliked the discipline of formal lessons. He moved to London as a teenager, where he attended Hurtwood House school. In an interview with Mashable in February 2013, he said of his parents "My mother was very musical, basically a musician, and my father was an engineer and an inventor. So, I grew up modifying the piano, shall we say, which made my mother gasp in horror, and my father would think it was fantastic when I would attach chainsaws and stuff like that to the piano because he thought it was an evolution in technology." In an interview with the German television station ZDF in 2006, he commented: "My father died when I was just a child, and I escaped somehow into the music and music has been my best friend." In a May 2014 interview, Zimmer said that he is Jewish, and recalled how his mother escaped to England in 1939.
Zimmer began his career playing keyboards and synthesizers in the 1970s, with the band Krakatoa. He worked with The Buggles, a new wave band formed in 1977 with Trevor Horn, Geoff Downes, and Bruce Woolley. Zimmer can be seen briefly in The Buggles' music video for the 1979 song "Video Killed the Radio Star". After working with The Buggles, he started to work for the Italian group Krisma, a new wave band formed in 1976 with Maurizio Arcieri and Christina Moser. He was a featured synthesist for Krisma’s third album, Cathode Mamma. He has also worked with the band Helden (with Warren Cann from Ultravox). Both Zimmer (on keyboards) and Cann (on drums), were invited to be part of the Spanish group Mecano for a live performance in Segovia (Spain) in 1984. Two songs from this concert were included in the "Mecano: En Concierto" album released in 1985 only in Spain. In 1980 Zimmer co-produced a single, "History of the World, Part 1," with, and for, UK Punk band The Damned, which was also included on their 1980 LP release, "The Black Album," and carried the description of his efforts as "Over-Produced by Hans Zimmer."
While living in London, Zimmer wrote advertising jingles for Air-Edel Associates. In the 1980s, Zimmer partnered with Stanley Myers, a prolific film composer who wrote the scores for over sixty films. Zimmer and Myers co–founded the London–based Lillie Yard recording studio. Together, Myers and Zimmer worked on fusing the traditional orchestral sound with electronic instruments. Some of the films on which Zimmer and Myers worked are Moonlighting (1982), Success is the Best Revenge (1984), Insignificance (1985), and My Beautiful Launderette (1985). Zimmer's first solo score was Terminal Exposure for director Nico Mastorakis in 1987, for which he also wrote the songs. Zimmer acted as score producer for the 1987 film The Last Emperor, which won the Academy Award for Best Original Score.
One of Zimmer's most durable works from his time in the United Kingdom was the theme song for the television game show Going for Gold, which he composed with Sandy McClelland in 1987. In an interview with the BBC, Zimmer said: "Going For Gold was a lot of fun. It's the sort of stuff you do when you don't have a career yet. God, I just felt so lucky because this thing paid my rent for the longest time."
A turning point in Zimmer's career occurred with the 1988 film Rain Man. Hollywood director Barry
Levinson was looking for someone to score Rain Man, and his wife heard the soundtrack CD of the anti-Apartheid drama A World Apart, for which Zimmer had composed the music. Levinson was impressed by Zimmer's work, and hired him to score Rain Man. In the score, Zimmer uses synthesizers (mostly a Fairlight CMI) mixed with steel drums. Zimmer explained that "It was a road movie, and road movies usually have jangly guitars or a bunch of strings. I kept thinking don't be bigger than the characters. Try to keep it contained. The Raymond character doesn't actually know where he is. The world is so different to him. He might as well be on Mars. So, why don't we just invent our own world music for a world that doesn't really exist?". Zimmer’s score for Rain Man was nominated for an Academy Award in 1989, and the film won four Academy Awards including Best Picture.
A year after Rain Man, Zimmer was asked to compose the score for Bruce Beresford's Driving Miss Daisy which, like Rain Man, won an Academy Award for Best Picture. Driving Miss Daisy’s instrumentation consisted entirely of synthesizers and samplers, played by Zimmer. According to an interview with Sound On Sound magazine in 2002, the piano sounds heard within the score come from the Roland MKS–20, a rackmount synthesizer. Zimmer joked: "It didn't sound anything like a piano, but it behaved like a piano."
1991's Thelma & Louise soundtrack by Zimmer featured the trademark slide guitar performance by Pete Haycock on the "Thunderbird" theme in the film. As a teenager, Zimmer was a fan of Haycock, and their collaboration on film scores includes K2 and Drop Zone.
For the 1992 film The Power of One, Zimmer traveled to Africa in order to use African choirs and drums in the recording of the score. On the strength of this work, Walt Disney Animation Studios approached Zimmer to compose the score for the 1994 film The Lion King. This was to be his first score for an animated film. Zimmer said that he had wanted to go to South Africa to record parts of the soundtrack, but was unable to visit the country as he had a police record there "for doing 'subversive' movies" after his work on The Power of One. Disney studio bosses expressed fears that Zimmer would be killed if he went to South Africa, so the recording of the choirs was organized during a visit by Lebo M. Zimmer won numerous awards for his work on The Lion King, including an Academy Award for Best Original Score, a Golden Globe, and two Grammys. In 1997, the score was adapted into a Broadway musical version which won the Tony Award for Best Musical in 1998. As of April 2012, the musical version of The Lion King is the highest grossing Broadway show of all time, having grossed $853.8 million.
Zimmer's score for Crimson Tide (1995) won a Grammy Award for the main theme, which makes heavy use of synthesizers in place of traditional orchestral instruments. For The Thin Red Line (1998), Zimmer said that the director Terrence Malick wanted the music before he started filming, so he recorded six and a half hours of music. Zimmer's next project was The Prince of Egypt (1998), which was produced by DreamWorks Animation. He introduced Ofra Haza, an Israeli Yemenite singer, to the directors, and they thought she was so beautiful that they designed one of the characters in the film to look like her.
In the 2000s, Zimmer has composed scores for Hollywood blockbuster films including Gladiator (2000), Black Hawk Down and Hannibal (2001), The Last Samurai (2003), Madagascar (2005), The Da Vinci Code (2006) The Simpsons Movie (2007), Angels & Demons (2009) and Sherlock Holmes (2009). While writing the score for The Last Samurai, Zimmer felt that his knowledge of Japanese music was extremely limited. He began doing extensive research, but the more he studied, the less he felt he knew. Finally, Zimmer took what he had written to Japan for feedback and was shocked when he was asked how he knew so much about Japanese music.
During the scoring of The Last Samurai in early 2003, Zimmer was approached by the producer Jerry Bruckheimer, with whom he had worked previously on Crimson Tide, Days of Thunder, The Rock and Pearl Harbor. Bruckheimer had finished shooting Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl but was unhappy with the music composed for the film by Alan Silvestri and wanted a replacement score. Bruckheimer wanted Zimmer to rescore the film, but due to his commitments on The Last Samurai, the task of composing and supervising music for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was given to Klaus Badelt, one of Zimmer's colleagues at Media Ventures. Zimmer provided some themes that were used in the film, although he is not credited on screen. Zimmer was hired as the composer for the three subsequent films in the series, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007), and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011), collaborating with Rodrigo y Gabriela for the latter.
For the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes, "The Daily Variety" reported that Zimmer purchased an out-of-tune piano for 200 dollars and used it throughout the scoring process because of its "quirkiness". For the 2011 sequel Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Zimmer and director Guy Ritchie incorporated authentic Romani gypsy music, which they researched by visiting Slovakia, Italy and France. The gypsy music in the film is played by Romani virtuoso musicians.
Hans Zimmer in 2008
Zimmer is also noted for his work on the scores of Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight (2008), on which he collaborated with James Newton Howard. For the soundtrack of The Dark Knight, Zimmer decided to represent the character of The Joker by a single note played on the cello by his long-time colleague Martin Tillman. Zimmer commented "I wanted to write something people would truly hate." The scores for these films were disqualified from receiving Academy Award nominations for Best Original Score due to too many composers being listed on the cue sheet. Zimmer succeeded in reversing the decision not to nominate The Dark Knight in December 2008, arguing that the process of creating a modern film score was collaborative, and that it was important to credit a range of people who had played a part in its production.
"Originally I had this idea that it should be possible to create some kind of community around this kind of work, and I think by muddying the titles – not having "you are the composer, you are the arranger, you are the orchestrator" – it just sort of helped us to work more collaboratively. It wasn't that important to me that I had "score by Hans Zimmer" and took sole credit on these things. It's like Gladiator: I gave Lisa Gerrard the co-credit because, even though she didn't write the main theme, her presence and contributions were very influential. She was more than just a soloist, and this is why I have such a problem with specific credits."
Zimmer works with other composers through his company Remote Control Productions, formerly known as Media Ventures. His studio in Santa Monica, California has an extensive range of computer equipment and keyboards, allowing demo versions of film scores to be created quickly. His colleagues at the studio have included Harry Gregson-Williams, James Dooley, Geoff Zanelli, Henning Lohner, Hugh Marsh, Steve Jablonsky, Mark Mancina, John Van Tongeren, John Powell, Nick Phoenix and Thomas J. Bergersen.
In October 2000, Zimmer performed live in concert for the first time with an orchestra and choir at the 27th Annual Flanders International Film Festival in Ghent. He has received a range of honors and awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award in film Composition from the National Board of Review, the Frederick Loewe Award in 2003 at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, ASCAP’s Henry Mancini Award for Lifetime Achievement, and BMI's Richard Kirk Award for lifetime achievement in 1996. Recent work includes the Spanish language film Casi Divas, Sherlock Holmes, The Burning Plain (2009), and Inception (2010). He composed the theme for the television boxing series The Contender, and worked with Lorne Balfe on the music for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which was his first video game project. Zimmer also collaborated with composers Borislav Slavov and Tilman Sillescu to create the score for the video game Crysis 2.
For the 2010 film Inception, Zimmer used electronic manipulation of the song "Non, je ne regrette rien". The horn sound in the score, described by Zimmer as "like huge foghorns over a city" became a popular feature in film trailers, with Zimmer commenting "It's funny how that sort of thing becomes part of the zeitgeist. But I suppose that's exactly what trailers are looking for: something iconic, lasts less than a second, and shakes the seats in the theater."
Zimmer's Star on the "Boulevard der Stars" in Berlin
In December 2010, Zimmer received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He dedicated the award to his publicist and long term friend Ronni Chasen, who had been shot dead in Beverly Hills the previous month.
In 2012, Zimmer composed and produced the music for the 84th Academy Awards with Pharrell Williams of The Neptunes. He also composed a new version of the theme music for ABC World News.
Zimmer also composed the score for The Dark Knight Rises, the final installment of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy. The film was released in July 2012. Zimmer described himself as "devastated" in the aftermath of the 2012 Aurora shooting, which occurred at a screening of The Dark Knight Rises, commenting "I just feel so incredibly sad for these people." He recorded a track entitled "Aurora", a choral arrangement of a theme from the Dark Knight Rises soundtrack, to raise money for the victims of the shooting.
He co-composed the music for the television series The Bible, which was broadcast in March 2013, with Lorne Balfe and Lisa Gerrard, and the score for 12 Years a Slave, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in March 2014. Zimmer composed the Tomorrowland Hymn for the Tomorrowland festival to celebrate its tenth anniversary in July 2014.
Zimmer composed the music for the 2014 film The Amazing Spider-Man 2 alongside "The Magnificent Six", which consisted of Pharrell Williams, Johnny Marr, Michael Einziger, Junkie XL, Andrew Kawczynski, and Steve Mazzaro.
Zimmer lives in Los Angeles with his wife Suzanne, and has four children.
Também 2009 compôs a trilha sonora de Sherlock Holmes, com a qual foi indicado ao Oscar, porém perdeu para o filme Up: Altas Aventuras. Em 2010 fez a trilha de A Origem, continuando sua colaboração com o diretor Christopher Nolan, além de ter participado também da composição da trilha sonora da mini série The Pacific. Um dos trabalhos notáveis de Zimmer foi em seu trabalho em The Dark Knight - o segundo filme da trilogia de Christopher Nolan . Em dezembro de 2010, foi anunciado que Zimmer será o compositor do remake da série Superman Homem de Aço, produzido por Nolan e dirigido por Zack Snyder. Embora a esposa de Nolan, Emma Thomas tenha dito que Nolan não vá interferir demais no filme do Homem de Aço, Zimmer é bem próximo de Nolan. Zimmer também fez a trilha sonora de Sherlock Holmes 2 e The Dark Knight Rises, último filme da trilogia Batman, dirigido por Nolan. Em um de seus ultimos trabalhos ele colaborou na composição da trilha sonora dos jogos Crysis 2 e Guild Wars 2. Em 2013 como seu último trabalho compôs a trilha sonora do jogo de Playstation 3, Beyond: Two Souls.
Chevalier de Sangreal
Carregado a 18/11/2009
"Chevaliers De Sangreal" de Hans Zimmer
Thelma & Louise
Carregado a 04/01/2009
Video homenaje a la Banda Sonora Original de la película Thelma & Louise, compuesta por Hans Zimmer en 1991
D: Hans Florian Zimmer (* 12. September 1957 in Frankfurt am Main) ist ein deutscher Filmkomponist und Musikproduzent. Der Oscarpreisträger arbeitet in Hollywood.

Leben und Karriere
Zimmer erlernte als Kind das Klavierspiel im Elternhaus in Königstein-Falkenstein, wobei er nur kurze Zeit einen Klavierlehrer hatte, da er sich dessen Disziplin hinsichtlich der Grundregeln für einen Pianisten nicht unterwerfen wollte. Er machte im englischen Internat Hurtwood House in Dorking, Surrey das Abitur und spielte in Gruppen wie Krisma und Helden (mit dem Schlagzeuger von Ultravox, Warren Cann) am Synthesizer. Eine akademische musikalische Ausbildung durchlief er nicht. Hans Zimmer ist verheiratet und hat vier Kinder. In einem Interview im Mai 2014 verriet er, dass er jüdisch sei und dass seine Mutter 1939 vor den Nazis nach England floh.
Jahre in England
Ende der 1970er Jahre war Zimmer Komponist von Werbemusikjingles und wirkte im Videoclip des Buggles-Hit Video Killed the Radio Star am Modular-Synthesizer mit. Im Londoner Studio Air Edel komponierte er Werbe- und Radio-Jingles. Dort lernte er den bekannten englischen Filmmusik-Komponisten Stanley Myers kennen, dessen Assistent er 1980 wurde. Von ihm lernte Zimmer viel über das Komponieren für ein Orchester. Durch diese Zusammenarbeit bekam er erste kleinere Aufträge für eigene Filmmusikkompositionen. Ende der 1980er Jahren machte er durch die Vertonung von Filmen wie Rain Man auf sich aufmerksam.
Zimmer wurde Anfang der 1990er Jahre vor allem wegen seiner innovativen Kombination von Orchester- und Synthesizer-Klängen bekannt. Mit Ridley Scotts Black Rain und Ron Howards Backdraft – Männer, die durchs Feuer gehen schuf er einen neuartigen Stil, Actionfilme zu vertonen. Besonders Backdraft gilt als Meilenstein der Filmmusikgeschichte: Zimmers Entscheidung, den Film mit einem sogenannten „Wall-to-Wall Score“ zu vertonen, also den Großteil des Films mit Musik zu unterlegen, schuf den Prototyp für viele Action-Filmmusiken, die danach in Hollywood produziert wurden. Die Stilistik, die grob auf einem mächtigen Hauptthema, rhythmischen Action-Motiven und behutsameren Passagen für die beiden Hauptfiguren (dargestellt von Kurt Russell und William Baldwin) basiert, findet sich in zahlreichen späteren Filmmusiken wieder.
Gemeinsam mit seinem Partner Jay Rifkin gründete er Mitte der 1980er-Jahre das Filmmusikstudio Media Ventures. Im Jahre 2003 übernahm Zimmer nach einem Rechtsstreit mit Rifkin mit seinem Unternehmen Remote Control Productions das Geschäft. Remote Control ist eine Art Talentschmiede, in der auch einige andere Filmmusik-Komponisten, wie z. B. Steve Jablonsky, James Dooley, Heitor Pereira und Geoff Zanelli arbeiten. Zu den bekanntesten ehemaligen Remote-Control-Komponisten gehören Klaus Badelt, John Powell, Nick Glennie-Smith, Mark Mancina und Harry Gregson-Williams.
Zimmer lebt und arbeitet heute in Los Angeles und zählt zu den erfolgreichsten und einflussreichsten Filmkomponisten der Hollywood-Geschichte. Nach dem Abschluss der Arbeiten an Illuminati – Angels & Demons plante Zimmer, einige Konzerte zu geben, jedoch konnte dies bislang nur eingeschränkt verwirklicht werden, da er neue Aufträge annahm. Wie er in einem Interview mit der Internetseite Amazona.de sagte, sind die meisten Regisseure, mit denen er zusammenarbeitet, seine Freunde, und daher falle es ihm schwer, einen Auftrag von ihnen abzulehnen.
Im Europäischen Jahr des interkulturellen Dialogs 2008 engagierte sich Hans Zimmer als Botschafter in Deutschland. Ziel der Kampagne der Europäischen Kommission war es, die Menschen in allen 27 EU-Ländern über die Vorteile von Vielfalt zu informieren und sie für einen interkulturellen Austausch zu begeistern.
Als Reaktion auf den Anschlag von Aurora im Juli 2012 veröffentlichte er die Komposition „Aurora“. Der gesamte Erlös soll den Opfern und ihren Familien gespendet werden.
Die Verwendung von ethnischen Instrumenten, wie z. B. das Duduk in Gladiator (gespielt vom armenischen Dudukspieler Djivan Gasparyan), Flöten in Rangoon – Im Herzen des Sturms oder Taikos in Last Samurai, ist eines seiner Markenzeichen. Dazu gehören auch Kompositionen mit afrikanischen Einflüssen, wie z. B. Zwei Welten, Im Glanz der Sonne, Der König der Löwen und Black Hawk Down, aber auch Musik zu Komödien wie Besser geht’s nicht oder Tricks oder auch zu dem Action-Film The Dark Knight Rises. -Mit den Regisseuren Ridley Scott, James L. Brooks, Gore Verbinski, Penny Marshall und Christopher Nolan arbeitet er regelmäßig zusammen. Seine Musik zu Terrence Malicks Film Der schmale Grat gilt als eines seiner besten Werke. Zimmer selbst bezeichnet Ennio Morricone als sein großes Idol.
Zimmer arbeitet häufig mit denselben Musikern zusammen. So wird in vielen Musiken eine Gitarre von Heitor Pereira oder ein Cello von Martin Tillman gespielt.

wesentlichen Bestandteile der späteren Filmmusik enthalten. Die Suiten dienen gegen Ende der Produktion als Basis für die Musik, die direkt zum Bild geschrieben wird. Aber auch die Suiten selbst werden meistens im Film und auf dem Soundtrack verwendet – so z. B. sind die Titel 9 bis 13 aus dem Soundtrack zu The Da Vinci Code – Sakrileg die von Zimmer geschriebene Suite. Diese Arbeitsweise erklärt Zimmer in einem Interview folgendermaßen:
„Ich habe darüber nachgedacht, wie ich in letzter Zeit arbeite. Die Dinge schon vor den Dreharbeiten zu schreiben, ist der bessere Weg. Die Filmtechnologie hat sich in den letzten Jahren, insbesondere durch Computereffekte, so stark verändert, dass es nun möglich ist, auch noch etwas in letzter Minute am Film zu ändern. Ich glaube, der alte Weg zu warten, bis der Film fertig geschnitten ist, und dann die letzten sechs bis zwölf Wochen, oder wie lange auch immer, die Musik zu schreiben und aufzunehmen, funktioniert heutzutage nicht mehr. Deshalb ist es sinnvoll, einen Teil der Musik vor diesen zwölf Wochen zu schreiben. Damit hat man selbst und die Filmemacher dann etwas, mit dem man arbeiten kann, während man über die Musik zum Bild nachdenkt. So hat man möglicherweise mehr Einfluss auf den Stil des Films. Außerdem kann man so diese ärgerlichen Temp-Track-Probleme lösen.“
– Hans Zimmer (übersetzt aus dem Englischen)
Häufig helfen andere Komponisten besonders gegen Ende der Filmproduktion Zimmer bei seinen Musiken, indem sie Teile für ihn auf Basis seiner Suiten und musikalischen Ideen orchestrieren, arrangieren oder komponieren. Diese kollaborative Arbeitsweise ist bei einigen Filmmusik-Fans umstritten, jedoch in Hollywood nicht völlig unüblich. Rupert Gregson-Williams sagt dazu in einem Interview folgendes:
„Hans ist eine Ikone und – meiner Meinung nach – ist die meiste Kritik gegen Media Ventures völlig unbegründet. Das häufigste Missverständnis ist, dass jeder an den Themen arbeitet, während Hans den Ruhm dafür bekommt. Nun, ich habe drei Monate mit Hans in Los Angeles an verschiedenen Szenen für ‚Der Prinz von Ägypten‘ gearbeitet – die Sandsturm-Sequenz, in der Moses von einem Kamel geweckt wird, und die Szene mit dem Tod der Erstgeborenen – und all die Themen wurden von Hans geschrieben. Meine Aufgabe war es, den thematischen Inhalt von Hans zu nehmen und es in meine Stücke für die Szene einzuarbeiten. Es gab eine Menge Diskussionen und Gespräche über die kontextuelle Bedeutung hinter dem Film und wie die Musik sich dazu verhält, aber die treibende Kraft dahinter war Hans. Ihm nur einmal bei der Arbeit zuzusehen, kreativ zu sein und einmal in dieser Atmosphäre zu sein war wunderbar. Außerdem ist Hans ein phänomenaler Orchestrator. Das ist etwas, was die Leute nicht verstehen.“
– Rupert Gregson-Williams (übersetzt aus dem Englischen)
Hans Zimmer komponiert nicht nur, sondern übernimmt bei Filmen auch die Ausführung als verantwortlicher Musikproduzent, wie etwa 2006 bei Ab durch die Hecke.
Nominierungen und Auszeichnungen
Auszeichnung mit dem Oscar
Mit Zwei Welten und Im Glanz der Sonne hatte Zimmer schon afrikanisch beeinflusste Musik geschrieben. Nicht zuletzt deswegen wurde er engagiert, um die Musik zu dem Disney-Zeichentrickfilm Der König der Löwen zu schreiben. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Lebo M entstand so eine viel beachtete Musik, die afrikanische Klänge mit traditionellen Orchesterklängen kombinierte. Der Soundtrack des Films gilt als einer der meistverkauften aller Zeiten. Im Jahre 1995 erhielt Zimmer für Der König der Löwen einen Oscar für die beste Filmmusik.
Quelle: Wikipedia
GB: Hans Florian Zimmer (German pronunciation: [hans ˌfloːʁi̯aːn ˈtsɪmɐ]; born 12 September 1957) is a film composer and music producer. He has composed music for over 150 films, including film scores for The Lion King, Crimson Tide, The Thin Red Line, Gladiator, The Last Samurai, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, 12 Years a Slave and Interstellar.
Zimmer spent the early part of his career in the United Kingdom before moving to the United States. He is the head of the film music division at DreamWorks studios and works with other composers through the company that he founded, Remote Control Productions.
Zimmer's works are notable for integrating electronic music sounds with traditional orchestral arrangements. He has received four Grammy Awards, three Classical BRIT Awards, two Golden Globes, and an Academy Award. He was also named on the list of Top 100 Living Geniuses, published by The Daily Telegraph.
Early life
Zimmer was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. As a young child, he lived in Königstein-Falkenstein, where he played the piano at home, but had piano lessons only briefly as he disliked the discipline of formal lessons. He moved to London as a teenager, where he attended Hurtwood House school. In an interview with Mashable in February 2013, he said of his parents "My mother was very musical, basically a musician, and my father was an engineer and an inventor. So, I grew up modifying the piano, shall we say, which made my mother gasp in horror, and my father would think it was fantastic when I would attach chainsaws and stuff like that to the piano because he thought it was an evolution in technology." In an interview with the German television station ZDF in 2006, he commented: "My father died when I was just a child, and I escaped somehow into the music and music has been my best friend." In a May 2014 interview, Zimmer said that he is Jewish, and recalled how his mother escaped to England in 1939.
Zimmer began his career playing keyboards and synthesizers in the 1970s, with the band Krakatoa. He worked with The Buggles, a new wave band formed in 1977 with Trevor Horn, Geoff Downes, and Bruce Woolley. Zimmer can be seen briefly in The Buggles' music video for the 1979 song "Video Killed the Radio Star". After working with The Buggles, he started to work for the Italian group Krisma, a new wave band formed in 1976 with Maurizio Arcieri and Christina Moser. He was a featured synthesist for Krisma’s third album, Cathode Mamma. He has also worked with the band Helden (with Warren Cann from Ultravox). Both Zimmer (on keyboards) and Cann (on drums), were invited to be part of the Spanish group Mecano for a live performance in Segovia (Spain) in 1984. Two songs from this concert were included in the "Mecano: En Concierto" album released in 1985 only in Spain. In 1980 Zimmer co-produced a single, "History of the World, Part 1," with, and for, UK Punk band The Damned, which was also included on their 1980 LP release, "The Black Album," and carried the description of his efforts as "Over-Produced by Hans Zimmer."
While living in London, Zimmer wrote advertising jingles for Air-Edel Associates. In the 1980s, Zimmer partnered with Stanley Myers, a prolific film composer who wrote the scores for over sixty films. Zimmer and Myers co–founded the London–based Lillie Yard recording studio. Together, Myers and Zimmer worked on fusing the traditional orchestral sound with electronic instruments. Some of the films on which Zimmer and Myers worked are Moonlighting (1982), Success is the Best Revenge (1984), Insignificance (1985), and My Beautiful Launderette (1985). Zimmer's first solo score was Terminal Exposure for director Nico Mastorakis in 1987, for which he also wrote the songs. Zimmer acted as score producer for the 1987 film The Last Emperor, which won the Academy Award for Best Original Score.
One of Zimmer's most durable works from his time in the United Kingdom was the theme song for the television game show Going for Gold, which he composed with Sandy McClelland in 1987. In an interview with the BBC, Zimmer said: "Going For Gold was a lot of fun. It's the sort of stuff you do when you don't have a career yet. God, I just felt so lucky because this thing paid my rent for the longest time."

Levinson was looking for someone to score Rain Man, and his wife heard the soundtrack CD of the anti-Apartheid drama A World Apart, for which Zimmer had composed the music. Levinson was impressed by Zimmer's work, and hired him to score Rain Man. In the score, Zimmer uses synthesizers (mostly a Fairlight CMI) mixed with steel drums. Zimmer explained that "It was a road movie, and road movies usually have jangly guitars or a bunch of strings. I kept thinking don't be bigger than the characters. Try to keep it contained. The Raymond character doesn't actually know where he is. The world is so different to him. He might as well be on Mars. So, why don't we just invent our own world music for a world that doesn't really exist?". Zimmer’s score for Rain Man was nominated for an Academy Award in 1989, and the film won four Academy Awards including Best Picture.
A year after Rain Man, Zimmer was asked to compose the score for Bruce Beresford's Driving Miss Daisy which, like Rain Man, won an Academy Award for Best Picture. Driving Miss Daisy’s instrumentation consisted entirely of synthesizers and samplers, played by Zimmer. According to an interview with Sound On Sound magazine in 2002, the piano sounds heard within the score come from the Roland MKS–20, a rackmount synthesizer. Zimmer joked: "It didn't sound anything like a piano, but it behaved like a piano."
1991's Thelma & Louise soundtrack by Zimmer featured the trademark slide guitar performance by Pete Haycock on the "Thunderbird" theme in the film. As a teenager, Zimmer was a fan of Haycock, and their collaboration on film scores includes K2 and Drop Zone.
For the 1992 film The Power of One, Zimmer traveled to Africa in order to use African choirs and drums in the recording of the score. On the strength of this work, Walt Disney Animation Studios approached Zimmer to compose the score for the 1994 film The Lion King. This was to be his first score for an animated film. Zimmer said that he had wanted to go to South Africa to record parts of the soundtrack, but was unable to visit the country as he had a police record there "for doing 'subversive' movies" after his work on The Power of One. Disney studio bosses expressed fears that Zimmer would be killed if he went to South Africa, so the recording of the choirs was organized during a visit by Lebo M. Zimmer won numerous awards for his work on The Lion King, including an Academy Award for Best Original Score, a Golden Globe, and two Grammys. In 1997, the score was adapted into a Broadway musical version which won the Tony Award for Best Musical in 1998. As of April 2012, the musical version of The Lion King is the highest grossing Broadway show of all time, having grossed $853.8 million.
Zimmer's score for Crimson Tide (1995) won a Grammy Award for the main theme, which makes heavy use of synthesizers in place of traditional orchestral instruments. For The Thin Red Line (1998), Zimmer said that the director Terrence Malick wanted the music before he started filming, so he recorded six and a half hours of music. Zimmer's next project was The Prince of Egypt (1998), which was produced by DreamWorks Animation. He introduced Ofra Haza, an Israeli Yemenite singer, to the directors, and they thought she was so beautiful that they designed one of the characters in the film to look like her.
In the 2000s, Zimmer has composed scores for Hollywood blockbuster films including Gladiator (2000), Black Hawk Down and Hannibal (2001), The Last Samurai (2003), Madagascar (2005), The Da Vinci Code (2006) The Simpsons Movie (2007), Angels & Demons (2009) and Sherlock Holmes (2009). While writing the score for The Last Samurai, Zimmer felt that his knowledge of Japanese music was extremely limited. He began doing extensive research, but the more he studied, the less he felt he knew. Finally, Zimmer took what he had written to Japan for feedback and was shocked when he was asked how he knew so much about Japanese music.
During the scoring of The Last Samurai in early 2003, Zimmer was approached by the producer Jerry Bruckheimer, with whom he had worked previously on Crimson Tide, Days of Thunder, The Rock and Pearl Harbor. Bruckheimer had finished shooting Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl but was unhappy with the music composed for the film by Alan Silvestri and wanted a replacement score. Bruckheimer wanted Zimmer to rescore the film, but due to his commitments on The Last Samurai, the task of composing and supervising music for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl was given to Klaus Badelt, one of Zimmer's colleagues at Media Ventures. Zimmer provided some themes that were used in the film, although he is not credited on screen. Zimmer was hired as the composer for the three subsequent films in the series, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006), Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007), and Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011), collaborating with Rodrigo y Gabriela for the latter.
For the 2009 film Sherlock Holmes, "The Daily Variety" reported that Zimmer purchased an out-of-tune piano for 200 dollars and used it throughout the scoring process because of its "quirkiness". For the 2011 sequel Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, Zimmer and director Guy Ritchie incorporated authentic Romani gypsy music, which they researched by visiting Slovakia, Italy and France. The gypsy music in the film is played by Romani virtuoso musicians.
Hans Zimmer in 2008
Zimmer is also noted for his work on the scores of Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight (2008), on which he collaborated with James Newton Howard. For the soundtrack of The Dark Knight, Zimmer decided to represent the character of The Joker by a single note played on the cello by his long-time colleague Martin Tillman. Zimmer commented "I wanted to write something people would truly hate." The scores for these films were disqualified from receiving Academy Award nominations for Best Original Score due to too many composers being listed on the cue sheet. Zimmer succeeded in reversing the decision not to nominate The Dark Knight in December 2008, arguing that the process of creating a modern film score was collaborative, and that it was important to credit a range of people who had played a part in its production.
"Originally I had this idea that it should be possible to create some kind of community around this kind of work, and I think by muddying the titles – not having "you are the composer, you are the arranger, you are the orchestrator" – it just sort of helped us to work more collaboratively. It wasn't that important to me that I had "score by Hans Zimmer" and took sole credit on these things. It's like Gladiator: I gave Lisa Gerrard the co-credit because, even though she didn't write the main theme, her presence and contributions were very influential. She was more than just a soloist, and this is why I have such a problem with specific credits."
Zimmer works with other composers through his company Remote Control Productions, formerly known as Media Ventures. His studio in Santa Monica, California has an extensive range of computer equipment and keyboards, allowing demo versions of film scores to be created quickly. His colleagues at the studio have included Harry Gregson-Williams, James Dooley, Geoff Zanelli, Henning Lohner, Hugh Marsh, Steve Jablonsky, Mark Mancina, John Van Tongeren, John Powell, Nick Phoenix and Thomas J. Bergersen.
In October 2000, Zimmer performed live in concert for the first time with an orchestra and choir at the 27th Annual Flanders International Film Festival in Ghent. He has received a range of honors and awards, including the Lifetime Achievement Award in film Composition from the National Board of Review, the Frederick Loewe Award in 2003 at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, ASCAP’s Henry Mancini Award for Lifetime Achievement, and BMI's Richard Kirk Award for lifetime achievement in 1996. Recent work includes the Spanish language film Casi Divas, Sherlock Holmes, The Burning Plain (2009), and Inception (2010). He composed the theme for the television boxing series The Contender, and worked with Lorne Balfe on the music for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which was his first video game project. Zimmer also collaborated with composers Borislav Slavov and Tilman Sillescu to create the score for the video game Crysis 2.
For the 2010 film Inception, Zimmer used electronic manipulation of the song "Non, je ne regrette rien". The horn sound in the score, described by Zimmer as "like huge foghorns over a city" became a popular feature in film trailers, with Zimmer commenting "It's funny how that sort of thing becomes part of the zeitgeist. But I suppose that's exactly what trailers are looking for: something iconic, lasts less than a second, and shakes the seats in the theater."
Zimmer's Star on the "Boulevard der Stars" in Berlin
In December 2010, Zimmer received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. He dedicated the award to his publicist and long term friend Ronni Chasen, who had been shot dead in Beverly Hills the previous month.
In 2012, Zimmer composed and produced the music for the 84th Academy Awards with Pharrell Williams of The Neptunes. He also composed a new version of the theme music for ABC World News.
Zimmer also composed the score for The Dark Knight Rises, the final installment of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy. The film was released in July 2012. Zimmer described himself as "devastated" in the aftermath of the 2012 Aurora shooting, which occurred at a screening of The Dark Knight Rises, commenting "I just feel so incredibly sad for these people." He recorded a track entitled "Aurora", a choral arrangement of a theme from the Dark Knight Rises soundtrack, to raise money for the victims of the shooting.
He co-composed the music for the television series The Bible, which was broadcast in March 2013, with Lorne Balfe and Lisa Gerrard, and the score for 12 Years a Slave, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in March 2014. Zimmer composed the Tomorrowland Hymn for the Tomorrowland festival to celebrate its tenth anniversary in July 2014.
Zimmer composed the music for the 2014 film The Amazing Spider-Man 2 alongside "The Magnificent Six", which consisted of Pharrell Williams, Johnny Marr, Michael Einziger, Junkie XL, Andrew Kawczynski, and Steve Mazzaro.
Zimmer lives in Los Angeles with his wife Suzanne, and has four children.
Source: Wikipedia
BR: Hans Florian Zimmer (Frankfurt, 12 de Setembro de 1957) é um compositor alemão, conhecido mundialmente por seus trabalhos com trilha sonoras de filmes.
Nascido em Frankfurt, Zimmer iniciou sua carreira musical tocando teclados e sintetizadores, entre outros instrumentos, com as bandas 'Ultravox' e 'The Buggles' ("Video Killed the Radio Star"). Nos anos 80, começou a compor e produzir trilhas sonoras para filmes. Seu primeiro grande sucesso veio em 1988 com o tema de Rain Man, pelo qual foi indicado ao Oscar. Desde então, tem composto música para muitos filmes como O Último Samurai, Gladiador, Falcão Negro em Perigo, Hannibal, O Código Da Vinci, Pearl Harbor e Missão Impossível 2. Além de filmes, Zimmer, também contribuiu para o DVD da banda finlandesa "Nightwish", "End of an era". Zimmer, compôs a música de introdução, e de final também. Zimmer também compôs parte da trilha sonora da série Piratas do Caribe, trabalho que define muito bem o estilo do compositor. Recentemente, compôs a trilha sonora de The Dark Knight junto com James Newton Howard. Também contribuiu nos arranjos do álbum de Tarja Turunen, My Winter Storm. Em 2008 ele compôs um filme animação da DreamWorks Kung Fu Panda junto com John Powell. Ainda em 2008, Hans compôs para mais um filme de animação da DreamWorks Animation, Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, junto com will.i.am. E em 2009, compôs a trilha sonora de Anjos e Demônios e do jogo Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, considerado o maior sucesso da industria dos jogos e um dos maiores sucessos da industria do entretenimento.

Fonte: Wikipedia
Filmografie (Auswahl)
1987 und früher
In mehreren Filmen zusätzliche Musik für Stanley Myers und Musiker am Synthesizer
Castaway – Die Insel
Brennendes Geheimnis (Burning Secret)
Rain Man
Paperhouse – Albträume werden wahr (Paperhouse, gemeinsam mit Stanley Myers)
Maniac City (Nightmare at Noon, gemeinsam mit Stanley Myers)
Zwei Welten (A World Apart)
Ein Mann wie Taffin (Taffin, gemeinsam mit Stanley Myers)
The Nature of the Beast (gemeinsam mit Stanley Myers)
Die Chaoten-Spione (Spies Inc., gemeinsam mit Fiachra Trench)
The Fruit Machine – Rendezvous mit einem Killer (The Fruit Machine)
Black Rain
Miss Daisy und ihr Chauffeur (Driving Miss Daisy)
Death and Desire (Diamond Skulls)
Chicago Joe und das Showgirl (Chicago Joe and the Showgirl, gemeinsam mit Shirley Walker)
Green Card – Schein-Ehe mit Hindernissen (Green Card)
Fremde Schatten (Pacific Heights)
Narren des Schicksals (Fools of Fortune)
Twister – Keine ganz normale Familie (Twister)
Tage des Donners (Days of Thunder)
Ein Vogel auf dem Drahtseil (Bird on a Wire)
Thelma & Louise
In Sachen Henry (Regarding Henry)
Backdraft – Männer, die durchs Feuer gehen (Backdraft)
K2 – Das letzte Abenteuer (K2)
Tödliches Spielzeug (Toys)
Flug ins Abenteuer (Radio Flyer)
Sleeping Dogs – Tagebuch eines Mörders (Where Sleeping Dogs Lie, gemeinsam mit Mark Mancina)
Eine Klasse für sich (A League of Their Own)
Im Glanz der Sonne (The Power of One)
Younger And Younger
Das Geisterhaus (The House of the Spirits)
True Romance
Codename: Nina (Point of No Return)
Calendar Girl
Cool Runnings – Dabei sein ist alles (Cool Runnings, gemeinsam mit Nick Glennie-Smith)
Drop Zone
Geht’s hier nach Hollywood? (I’ll Do Anything)
Mr. Bill (Renaissance Man)
Der König der Löwen (The Lion King)
Nine Months
Rangoon – Im Herzen des Sturms (Beyond Rangoon)
Crimson Tide – In tiefster Gefahr (Crimson Tide)
Two Deaths
Power of Love (Something to Talk About, gemeinsam mit Graham Preskett)
Rendezvous mit einem Engel (The Preacher’s Wife)
The Fan
Muppets – Die Schatzinsel (Muppet Treasure Island)
The Rock – Fels der Entscheidung (The Rock, gemeinsam mit Nick Glennie-Smith und Harry Gregson-Williams)
Operation: Broken Arrow (Broken Arrow)
Besser geht’s nicht (As Good as it Gets)
Projekt: Peacemaker (The Peacemaker)
Fräulein Smillas Gespür für Schnee (Smilla’s Sense of Snow, gemeinsam mit Harry Gregson-Williams)
Der schmale Grat (The Thin Red Line)
Der Prinz von Ägypten (The Prince of Egypt)
Die letzten Tage (The Last Days)
Der Chill Faktor (The Chill Factor, gemeinsam mit John Powell)
Mit oder ohne – Was Männer haben sollten (An Everlasting Piece)
Mission: Impossible II
Gladiator (gemeinsam mit Lisa Gerrard)
Der Weg nach El Dorado (The Road to El Dorado, gemeinsam mit John Powell)
Black Hawk Down
Unterwegs mit Jungs (Riding in Cars with Boys, gemeinsam mit Heitor Pereira)
Pearl Harbor
Das Versprechen (The Pledge, gemeinsam mit Klaus Badelt)
Invincible – Unbesiegbar (Invincible, gemeinsam mit Klaus Badelt)
Ring (The Ring)
Spirit – Der wilde Mustang (Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron)
Last Samurai (The Last Samurai)
Was das Herz begehrt (Something’s Gotta Give, gemeinsam mit mehreren anderen Komponisten)
Tricks (Matchstick Men)
Tränen der Sonne (Tears of the Sun)
Fluch der Karibik (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, komponiert von Klaus Badelt, produziert von Zimmer)
Lauras Stern (gemeinsam mit Nick Glennie-Smith)
Große Haie – Kleine Fische (Shark Tale)
King Arthur
Thunderbirds (gemeinsam mit Ramin Djawadi)
The Ring 2
The Weather Man (gemeinsam mit James S. Levine)
Der kleine Eisbär 2 – Die geheimnisvolle Insel (gemeinsam mit Nick Glennie-Smith)
Madagascar (gemeinsam mit James Dooley und Heitor Pereira)
Batman Begins (gemeinsam mit James Newton Howard)
Liebe braucht keine Ferien (The Holiday)
Pirates of the Caribbean – Fluch der Karibik 2 (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest)
The Da Vinci Code – Sakrileg (The Da Vinci Code)
Die Simpsons – Der Film (The Simpsons Movie)
Pirates of the Caribbean – Am Ende der Welt (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End)
Der Klang des Herzens (August Rush, gemeinsam mit Mark Mancina)
Casi Divas
Kung Fu Panda (gemeinsam mit John Powell)
The Dark Knight (gemeinsam mit James Newton Howard)
Auf brennender Erde (The Burning Plain)
Madagascar 2
Illuminati (Angels and Demons)
Transformers – Die Rache (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, ergänzende Musik)
Sherlock Holmes
Wenn Liebe so einfach wäre (It’s Complicated, gemeinsam mit Heitor Pereira)
Henri 4
The Pacific (Miniserie) (gemeinsam mit Geoff Zanelli und Blake Neely)
Megamind (gemeinsam mit Lorne Balfe)
Ich – Einfach Unverbesserlich (Despicable Me, Score-Produzent)
Woher weißt du, dass es Liebe ist? (How Do You Know?)
Dickste Freunde (The Dilemma, gemeinsam mit Lorne Balfe)
Pirates of the Caribbean – Fremde Gezeiten (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, gemeinsam mit Rodrigo y Gabriela)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (gemeinsam mit John Powell)
Sherlock Holmes: Spiel im Schatten (Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows)
Madagascar 3: Flucht durch Europa (Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted)
The Dark Knight Rises
Die Bibel (Miniserie, gemeinsam mit Lorne Balfe)
Man of Steel
Lone Ranger (The Lone Ranger)
Mr. Morgan’s Last Love
Rush – Alles für den Sieg (Rush)
12 Years a Slave
Winter’s Tale (Gemeinsam mit Rupert Gregson-Williams)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro (The Amazing Spider-Man 2, gemeinsam mit Pharrell Williams)
Son of God gemeinsam mit Lorne Balfe
Quelle: Wikipedia
Time (Inception)
Publicado a 31/12/2010
Soundtrack of Inception. Music by Hans Zimmer.
The movie name is Inception!
Chevalier de Sangreal
Carregado a 18/11/2009
"Chevaliers De Sangreal" de Hans Zimmer
Thelma & Louise
Carregado a 04/01/2009
Video homenaje a la Banda Sonora Original de la película Thelma & Louise, compuesta por Hans Zimmer en 1991
Hans Zimmer in der "Harald Schmidt Show"
Publicado a 06/06/2010
Am 15.02.2002 war Hans Zimmer zu Gast bei der "Harald Schmidt Show". Dort plauderte er über seinen Altag als Filmkomponist, sein leben und natürlich seinen neuen Film "Black hawk down".
Hans Zimmer: Homepage (coming soon)
Hans Zimmer: Media Ventures
Hans Zimmer: Facebook
Hans Zimmer: Twitter
Hans Zimmer: Soundcloud
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