Nina Hagen

Nina Hagen wurde als Tochter der Schauspielerin
Eva-Maria Hagen und des Drehbuchautors Hans Oliva-Hagen 1955 im Ost-Berliner
Bezirk Friedrichshain geboren. Sie wollte in der DDR ursprünglich
Schauspielerin werden. Ihr Antrag wurde von der Schauspielschule ohne
Begründung abgelehnt. Der zuständige MfS-Offizier hatte den Vermerk
„Verhindern!“ auf den Aufnahmeantrag geschrieben, da der Dissident Wolf
Biermann der Lebensgefährte ihrer Mutter war und auch Nina Hagen somit als
politisch unzuverlässig galt. Danach sang sie bei einigen Bands in Polen und
kam dadurch zum Orchester Alfons Wonneberg.
1974 beendete Hagen eine einjährige Gesangsausbildung.
Sie wurde bei einem Konzert von der Gruppe Automobil entdeckt und sofort
engagiert. Hagens erste Veröffentlichung war der beim ostdeutschen Plattenlabel
Amiga herausgegebene Titel Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen, den zwei der
Bandmitglieder geschrieben hatten. 1975 verließ sie Automobil und wechselte zu
Fritzens Dampferband. Eine öffentliche Solidaritätsbekundung für den verfemten
Wolf Biermann, der 1976 aus der DDR ausgebürgert wurde, brachte Hagen ins
Abseits, so dass sie im gleichen Jahr die Chance nutzte, in den Westen zu
emigrieren. Sie ging zunächst nach Großbritannien und war dort in der Punkszene
Nach ihrer Rückkehr in die Bundesrepublik gründete sie
im Herbst 1977 zusammen mit den Kreuzberger Musikern Bernhard Potschka, Herwig
Mitteregger, Manfred „Manne“ Praeker, die zuvor bei Lokomotive Kreuzberg
gespielt hatten, und Reinhold Heil die Nina Hagen Band. 1978 erschien das international
beachtete Album Nina Hagen Band. Nicht viel später überwarf die exzentrische
Punksängerin sich mit den vier Musikern, die ihr Unberechenbarkeit und
egozentrische Starallüren vorwarfen. Da mit der Plattenfirma CBS jedoch bereits
ein zweites Album vertraglich vereinbart war, wurden die Aufnahmen dafür
zunächst durch die vier Musiker eingespielt, später wurde – in Abwesenheit der
vier Musiker – Nina Hagens Gesang aufgenommen. Der Titel des 1979 erschienenen
Albums ist Unbehagen. In den 1980er Jahren konnten die vier Musiker unter dem
Bandnamen Spliff ohne Hagen Erfolge verzeichnen. In den 1980er und 1990er
Jahren machte Hagen durch ihre UFO-Theorien, ihr großes Interesse an der
Spiritualität und den Religionen sowie ihr Engagement für den Tierschutz auf
sich aufmerksam. Diese Einflüsse finden sich auch auf den zahlreichen, mit
unterschiedlichsten Musikern eingespielten Plattenveröffentlichungen dieser
1985 trat Hagen bei der Premiere von Rock in Rio auf.
Sie stilisierte sich, beraten vom Mode-Designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, als
Punk-Rock-Diva. Auf ihren nächsten Schallplatten gab sie sich kosmopolitisch,
sang mal Deutsch, mal Englisch, schlug sich zur Präsidentin vor (Street, 1991),
fand aber nicht die Musik, die ihr entsprach. 1993 unternahm sie mit dem Album
Revolution Ballroom und dem Produzenten Phil Manzanera einen neuen Anlauf. 1996
sang sie auf dem BAP-Album Amerika gemeinsam mit Wolfgang Niedecken den Titel
Weihnachtsnaach, eine Coverversion des Pogues-Titels Fairytale of New York.
1997 sang sie mit Thomas D den Song Solo, der später auch als Single
ausgekoppelt wurde, für dessen gleichnamiges Album ein.
Zum 100. Geburtstag des Dramatikers Bertolt Brecht zog
es sie Anfang 1998 zurück in ihre Geburtsstadt Berlin. Zusammen mit der
Schauspielerin und Chansonsängerin Meret Becker gab sie im Berliner Ensemble
den Punk-Brecht-Abend Wir hießen beide Anna und dialogisierte mit dem Dichter.
1999 sang sie für ein CD-Doppelalbum der Dreigroschenoper mit Max Raabe als
Mackie Messer und dem Ensemble Modern unter HK Gruber die Sopran-Partie der
Celia Peachum, getreu der Originalpartitur von Kurt Weill. 1998 spielte Hagen
für den Berliner Fußballverein 1. FC Union Berlin eine neue Vereinshymne ein.
Im März 2000 präsentierte sie, barfuß im seidenen
Sari, auf der Bühne des von Räucherstäbchen eingenebelten Berliner Ensembles
vor einem Altar mit Opfergaben eine „Indische Nacht“. Ein Teil der dort
vorgestellten Gesänge erschien ausschließlich auf Hagens Website, deren Erlös
zur Hälfte dem Babaji-Ashram, einem deutschen Hospiz, brasilianischen
Straßenkindern, Kinderkrankenhäusern in Indien und Tschernobyl und Ähnlichem
zugutekommen sollte. Der Filmemacher Peter Sempel drehte einen experimentellen
Dokumentarfilm, der die Jahre 1994 bis 1999 dokumentiert, über Nina Hagen, ihre
Familie und die Wegbegleiter. In den Vordergrund rückte sie auch wieder durch
die Zusammenarbeit mit Thomas D und den Bands Oomph! und Apocalyptica.
2001 sprach sie für die Rilke Projekt CD Bis an alle Sterne die Gedichte Die Welt die monden ist und Wie das Gestirn ein. Im Dezember 2002
erschien die Biografie Nina Hagen. That’s
Why the Lady Is a Punk vom Schriftsteller Marcel Feige in enger
Zusammenarbeit mit Nina Hagen. Das Buch wurde 2003 mit dem Literaturpreis Corine
ausgezeichnet. 2002 sang Hagen ein Remake des Klassikers Kriminaltango im Duett
mit dem Schweizer Sänger Michael von der Heide. 2005 gastierte Hagen auf Frank
Zanders Album Rabenschwarz II und sang mit ihm eine Coverversion des Schlagers Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht von Siw
Malmkvist. Des Weiteren war sie 2005 Stargast des Berliner Yogafestivals.
2006 und 2007 war Hagen Jury-Mitglied bei der
Casting-Show Popstars. 2006 begann sie eine musikalische Zusammenarbeit mit dem
Capital Dance Orchestra. Mit dem Album Irgendwo
auf der Welt sang sie Filmschlager im neuen Gewand im Big-Band-Sound. Mit
dem gleichnamigen Konzertprogramm ging sie 2006 mit dem Orchester im
deutschsprachigen Raum auf Tournee. Im März 2008 veranstalte Hagen in Berlin
eine Aufklärungsshow, die sie später über das Internet publizierte (Nina Hagen
Dort kritisierte sie öffentlich die Medien, die ihrer Meinung nach nicht
verfassungsgerecht über aktuelle Ereignisse in der Politik und Wirtschaft berichteten. Am 17. Mai 2008 präsentierte Nina Hagen auf dem Wiener Life Ball den Song Kinky Melody, der auch auf einer CD des Modelabels Agent Provocateur erschien. Am 18. März 2010 erschien Hagens Autobiographie mit dem Titel Bekenntnisse.
Dort kritisierte sie öffentlich die Medien, die ihrer Meinung nach nicht
verfassungsgerecht über aktuelle Ereignisse in der Politik und Wirtschaft berichteten. Am 17. Mai 2008 präsentierte Nina Hagen auf dem Wiener Life Ball den Song Kinky Melody, der auch auf einer CD des Modelabels Agent Provocateur erschien. Am 18. März 2010 erschien Hagens Autobiographie mit dem Titel Bekenntnisse.
Nina Hagen engagiert sich für die Entschädigung der
Duogynon-Opfer. Sie ist Fördermitglied der Coordination gegen Bayer-Gefahren.
Am 10. September 2011 trat Nina Hagen im Programm der Freiheit statt Angst-Demonstration für Bürgerrechte auf dem
Berliner Alexanderplatz auf. Am 31. Januar 2012 fand in Berlin die
Premierenveranstaltung des Patientenverfügungs-Kinospots der Berliner
Irren-Offensive statt. Der Kinospot mit Hagen wurde unter anderem mit
Aufklebern, auf denen ihr Konterfei und der Slogan „Geisteskrank? Ihre eigene
Entscheidung!“ zu sehen ist, beworben und erhielt im April 2012 aufgrund
diverser Differenzen einen neuen Abspann.
In der österreichischen Spätabend-Diskussionssendung
Club 2 vom 9. August 1979 zum Thema „Was ist los mit der Jugendkultur?“ erregte
Nina Hagen großes öffentliches Aufsehen, als sie vor laufender Kamera – zwar
angezogen, aber explizit – verschiedene Stellungen zur weiblichen Masturbation
demonstrierte. Der Diskussionsleiter, Dieter Seefranz, musste deswegen später
als Gastgeber der Sendung zurücktreten.
In der Talkshow „Menschen bei Maischberger“ vom 6.
September 2005 trat Hagen als Wahlkämpferin für die Grünen auf und wurde
daraufhin von Jutta Ditfurth als esoterisch durchgeknallt bezeichnet. Daraufhin
äußerte Nina Hagen: „Ich finde es furchtbar, was diese dicke Frau mit mir
macht. Jutta Ditfurth ist eine blöde, blöde Kuh. Mit dir werde ich nie wieder reden
in der Öffentlichkeit!“
Am 30. Oktober 2007 erregte Nina Hagen abermals in der
Sendung „Menschen bei Maischberger“ Aufsehen durch ihre Äußerungen und ihr
Diskussionsverhalten. In der Sendung zum Thema „Ufos, Engel, Außerirdische –
sind wir nicht allein?“ äußerte sie Mitgefühl für die angeblich von
Außerirdischen entführten Menschen, sprach von „satanischem Einfluss“ in der
Welt und provozierte den ebenfalls anwesenden Physiker und
Wissenschaftsjournalisten Joachim Bublath, nachdem dieser Skepsis an der
Existenz von Außerirdischen oder Esoterik geäußert hatte, mit Grimassen und
Beleidigungen zum Verlassen der Live-Sendung. Moderatorin Sandra Maischberger
erklärte schließlich: „...und habe, mit Verlaub, Nina, das Gefühl, dass
wahnsinnig viel in Deinem Kopf wirklich durcheinander geht...“
1981 brachte Hagen ihre Tochter Cosma Shiva zur Welt.
Der Vater ist der 1988 verstorbene niederländische Gitarrist Ferdinand Karmelk.
1987 heiratete Hagen in einer „Punkhochzeit“ auf Ibiza den damals 17-jährigen
Musiker „Iroquois“ aus der Londoner Hausbesetzer-Szene. Nach nur einer Woche trennte sich das Paar
1989 war sie mit dem Franzosen Frank Chevalier liiert,
aus dieser Beziehung stammt ein Sohn. Im Mai 1996 heiratete Hagen den 15 Jahre
jüngeren David Lynn. Das Paar trennte sich im Jahre 2000. Im Januar 2004
heiratete Hagen den 22 Jahre jüngeren dänischen Sänger Lucas Alexander
Breinholm. Die Trennung erfolgte im Januar 2005. Von 2005 bis 2010 war Hagen
mit einem 28 Jahre jüngeren Physiotherapeuten aus Kanada liiert. Seit 1982 ist
Hagen Vegetarierin. Sie ließ sich im August 2009 in Schüttorf von Pastor
Karl-Wilhelm ter Horst evangelisch-reformiert taufen.
Die Anzahl sämtlicher weltweit erschienener Platten-
und CD-Veröffentlichungen, auf denen Hagens Gesang zu hören ist, dürfte bei
annähernd 500 liegen. Das ‚Nina-Hagen-Archiv‘ zeigte im Oktober 2005 206
Vinylplatten, 180 CDs und 30 Audiocassetten, sowie 21 Videokassetten und 12
Quelle: Wikipedia
BR: Nina Hagen (nascida Catharina Hagen no dia 11 de março de 1955, na cidade de Berlim, Alemanha), é uma cantora alemã de grande sucesso internacional, especialmente por suas atuações e por suas extravagâncias vocais.
Apesar de ser uma renomada roqueira representante da música popular, anteriormente, ela recebeu treinamento vocal formal como cantora de ópera (o que transparece, por exemplo, em sua interpretação de New York, New York).
Discografia - Álbuns

Nina Hagen Band (1978)
Unbehagen (1979)
NunSexMonkRock (1982)
Angstlos (1983)
In Ekstase (1985)
Punk Wedding EP (1987)
Nina Hagen (1989)
Street (1991)
Rock aus Deutschland: Nina Hagen
Die Dreigroschenoper (1999)
Revolution Ballroom (1993)
Freud Euch (1995)
Om Namah Shivay (1999)
Return of the Mother (2000)
Big Band Explosion (2003)
Irgendwo auf der Welt (2006)
Personal Jesus (2010)
Volksbeat (2011)
Nina Hagen nasce no lado leste de Berlim em 1955, filha da atriz Eva-Maria Hagen e do escritor Hans Oliva-Hagen. O padrasto de Nina era o compositor Wolf Biermann. Inicialmente, ela queria ser atriz, mas, sem nenhum motivo aparente, sua solicitação de estudos foi negada na escola de teatro.
A música New York New York que Nina Hagen gravou, não é a mesma do Frank Sinatra. De Sinatra, Nina gravou uma versão punk e em alemão de My Way.
Em 1986 participou da gravação de "Garota De Berlim" da banda brasileira Tokyo, que era comandada por Supla.
Fonte: Wikipédia
1955: Nasce a cantora Nina Hagen
ES: Nina Hagen, Catharina
"Nina" Hagen (nacida en Berlín Este el 11 de marzo de 1955) es una
cantante y actríz alemana, famosa por su mezcla de estilo punk y canto
En 1983
graba el álbum Angstlos e incluye un pequeño tour europeo. Para este tiempo las
apariciones públicas de Nina Hagen se hacían extrañas y era frecuente que en
sus discusiones incluyera temas relacionados con Dios, los extraterrestres y
con su postura social y política. También se declaraba defensora de los
derechos de los animales.
Quelle: Wikipedia
BR: Nina Hagen (nascida Catharina Hagen no dia 11 de março de 1955, na cidade de Berlim, Alemanha), é uma cantora alemã de grande sucesso internacional, especialmente por suas atuações e por suas extravagâncias vocais.
Apesar de ser uma renomada roqueira representante da música popular, anteriormente, ela recebeu treinamento vocal formal como cantora de ópera (o que transparece, por exemplo, em sua interpretação de New York, New York).
Discografia - Álbuns

Nina Hagen Band (1978)
Unbehagen (1979)
NunSexMonkRock (1982)
Angstlos (1983)
In Ekstase (1985)
Punk Wedding EP (1987)
Nina Hagen (1989)
Street (1991)
Rock aus Deutschland: Nina Hagen
Die Dreigroschenoper (1999)
Revolution Ballroom (1993)
Freud Euch (1995)
Om Namah Shivay (1999)
Return of the Mother (2000)
Big Band Explosion (2003)
Irgendwo auf der Welt (2006)
Personal Jesus (2010)
Volksbeat (2011)
Nina Hagen nasce no lado leste de Berlim em 1955, filha da atriz Eva-Maria Hagen e do escritor Hans Oliva-Hagen. O padrasto de Nina era o compositor Wolf Biermann. Inicialmente, ela queria ser atriz, mas, sem nenhum motivo aparente, sua solicitação de estudos foi negada na escola de teatro.
A música New York New York que Nina Hagen gravou, não é a mesma do Frank Sinatra. De Sinatra, Nina gravou uma versão punk e em alemão de My Way.
Em 1986 participou da gravação de "Garota De Berlim" da banda brasileira Tokyo, que era comandada por Supla.
Fonte: Wikipédia
1955: Nasce a cantora Nina Hagen
Nascida em Berlim Oriental no dia 11
de março de 1955, Nina Hagen começou cedo a carreira de atriz e cantora. Em
1976 ela emigrou para a então Alemanha Ocidental.
"Muito boa noite, minhas
senhoras e meus senhores! Eu os saúdo cordialmente no nosso programa de
televisão de hoje e lhes desejo uma excelente recepção." Com estas
palavras bem comportadas, Nina Hagen saudava em 1978 os ouvintes do seu álbum
de estreia. A canção TV Glotzer (tradução livre: "Consumidor de
tevê") tornou-se o seu primeiro sucesso na então Alemanha Ocidental. O tom
comportado ficou restrito, naturalmente, à saudação inicial do disco.
Quando Nina Hagen lançou o TV
Glotzer, em 1978, ela já havia percorrido uma carreira agitada, como atriz e
como cantora, na Alemanha Oriental (RDA). Ela nasceu em Berlim Oriental, no dia
11 de março de 1955. Sua mãe, Eva Maria Hagen, era uma conhecida atriz de
teatro e de cinema. Seu padrasto era o poeta, compositor e dissidente Wolf
Biermann. Já com a idade de 17 anos, Nina Hagen obteve os primeiros sucessos
com a sua voz marcante. Com as bandas Automobil e Fritzens Dampferband, ela
fazia turnês pelos países do Leste. Em 1974, foi escolhida como a melhor
cantora jovem da RDA.
Quando o governo alemão-oriental
baniu seu padrasto, Wolf Biermann, em 1976, ela o acompanhou para o Ocidente.
Um ano depois, apresentou em Berlim a sua Nina Hagen Band: "No verão do
ano passado, andei perambulando por Londres e conheci uma banda feminina, que
achei excelente. A cantora tem apenas 16 anos de idade e escreve as letras das
músicas do grupo. Com ela, que aliás também é alemã, eu escrevi algumas letras
em alemão. Em Berlim, conheci o Potzsch, que foi guitarrista do Lok Kreuzberg.
Mostrei para ele as minhas letras e, então, nos juntamos todos".
A marca registrada de Nina Hagen
tornou-se o seu jeito punk, os seus textos diretos e agressivos, bem como a sua
voz marcante. Às vezes, ela canta com voz rouca, grunhe ao microfone e, então,
emite tons suaves num registro de contralto da ópera clássica.
Nina Hagen venera Zarah Leander. Ela
deu nova interpretação a inúmeras de suas canções. Mas as duas divas têm pouco
em comum. Nina Hagen provoca, choca e adora a confrontação. Críticas, ela nunca
aceitou de bom grado, desde o início da carreira.
Escândalos e proteção aos animais
A apresentação pública mais
espetacular de Nina Hagen foi em 1979, na televisão austríaca. Sem pudor, ela
demonstrou diante das câmeras o que as mulheres tinham de fazer para atingir o
Desde o nascimento da sua filha
Cosma, a cantora é uma ufóloga convicta. Quando estava grávida de quatro meses,
Nina Hagen afirma ter visto um disco voador. No final dos anos 1980, mãe e
filha mantiveram o seguinte diálogo sobre o assunto:
– O que você acha, Cosma... De onde
você veio antes que você permitisse que a sua mãe manifestasse o seu corpo
– Não estou te entendendo.
– Quero dizer, de onde você veio,
antes de chegar à Terra, antes que eu ficasse grávida de você e te trouxesse à
– De Deus.
Nos anos 1990, Nina Hagen viajou
várias vezes à Índia, buscou lá um guru e arrecadou donativos na Alemanha para
um hospital indiano. Em Colônia, na Alemanha, ela apoia um asilo de doentes
terminais. Além disso, é engajada na proteção aos animais.
No ano 2000, Nina Hagen provocou
manchetes na imprensa, quando fez com que a autobiografia da sua mãe fosse
recolhida e destruída, só porque haviam sido publicadas nela algumas das suas
cartas e fotos privadas. Não havia nada de escandaloso nelas, mas Nina não abre
mão da privacidade em benefício de ninguém, nem da própria mãe.
Fonte: Deutsche Welle
________________________________________________________________
Hija de Hans
Hagen, un guionista de origen judío, y de Eva-Maria Hagen, una actriz y
cantante, nació en Berlín Este cuando Berlín y la actual Alemania estaban
divididos en dos partes.
Su padre
murió cuando ella era tan sólo una niña, y su madre contrajo matrimonio con
Wolf Biermann, un cantautor. Su padrastro fue acusado varias veces de
contrarrevolucionario en la entonces República Democrática Alemana, por
realizar críticas y burlas contra el régimen.
aprendió ballet a temprana edad y demostró sorprendente habilidad como
cantante, siendo considerada una niña prodigio por sus interpretaciones de
ópera. Dejó el colegio cuando cursaba el décimo curso y se unió a la banda de
covers Fritzens Dampferband.
Años 70
Nina Hagen
fue miembro de la banda Automobil, la cual tuvo una buena aceptación en la
República Democrática Alemana. En 1976 su padrastro, Wolf Biermann, cantautor y
artista de conocidas opiniones contrarias al gobierno de la RDA, fue invitado a
presentarse en un espectáculo televisado al otro lado del telón de acero: en
Colonia, Alemania Occidental. Pero el gobierno de Alemania Oriental le advirtió
que no podría llevar a su familia y se le impediría volver a la RDA si cruzaba
la frontera. Pese a esto, Biermann viajó a la RFA y ejecutó su presentación
televisiva; cuando las autoridades de la RDA se negaron a permitirle repasar la
frontera, su esposa, Eva-Maria Hagen protestó públicamente por este
impedimento. Nina Hagen, ya convertida en estrella musical juvenil, se unió a
la protesta de su madre y advirtió entonces que seguiría los pasos de su
padrastro en lo musical y lo político, pero dentro de la RDA; ante esta
situación las autoridades germanoorientales otorgaron el permiso de salida a
toda la familia Biermann-Hagen, pero sin opción de retorno.
En 1977 Nina
Hagen formó en la RFA la banda The Nina Hagen Band con la que un año después
grabaría el disco homónimo que incluye temas como "TV-Glotzer (White Punks
On Dope)" (un cover de The Tubes) y "Auf'm Bahnhof Zoo".
Durante una
subsecuente gira europea, Hagen decide marcharse de la banda, aunque seguiría
cumpliendo con el contrato para grabar un segundo álbum en 1979. Unbehagen (que en español significa
«incomodidad» o «inquietud») fue eventualmente producido con grabaciones que la
banda hacía en Berlín y con las partes vocales que Nina grababa en California. Éste
incluyó el tema "African Reggae" y "Lucky Number", un cover
de Lene Lovich.
tanto, la persona pública de Nina Hagen fue llamando la atención de los medios
de comunicación masiva. Protagonizó un escándalo durante una aparición en un
talk show austriaco llamado Club 2, donde simuló una masturbación. Ella además
participó en la película Cha Cha junto al holandés leyenda del rock, Herman
Brood y su amiga Lene Lovich.
Años 80
En 1982
Hagen realiza su primer disco como solista: NunSexMonkRock, una disonante
mezcla de punk, funk y ópera; y ese mismo año comienza una gira mundial con No
Problem Orchestra.

Del álbum
Angstlos se publicó una versión en inglés llamada Fearless (en español:
«Intrépido») que generó dos de los máximos hits que se escucharon en las
discotecas norteamericanas: "Zarah" (un cover de la canción "Ich
weiss, es wird einmal ein Wunder geschehen" de Zarah Leander) y el éxito
de la opera/punk/disco, "New York, New York" (que llegó al top 9 en
el Billboard). Esta canción es diametralmente opuesta al clásico del mismo
título cantado por Frank Sinatra y Liza Minnelli, y posiblemente por evitar
confusiones es citada por algunas fuentes como "New York, N.Y.". La
cantante era tan célebre en esta época, que en 1985 participó en el famoso
concierto colectivo Rock in Rio.
También en
1985 la estrella alemana lanzó Nina Hagen In Ekstasy; este álbum no tuvo el
éxito del anterior aunque generó algunos hits como "Universal Radio"
y la versión punk de "My Way" (tema popularizado por Frank
Sinatra).Dos años después como celebración por sus 18 años con el punk graba
Punk Wedding EP. Realiza un nuevo álbum en 1989 al que llamó simplemente Nina
Hagen, el cual fue acompañado por otro tour europeo.
Nina Hagen
se muda a París con su hija Cosma Shiva, donde vive toda la década. En 1991 con
un nuevo disco llamado Street comienza una nueva gira por el viejo continente.
Un año después conduce un programa televisivo en la cadena alemana RTLplus. En
1993 realiza Revolution Ballroom y dos años más tarde íntegramente en alemán
Freud Euch, grabado en inglés como Beehappy en 1996. Este mismo año Hagen
colabora con el productor de música electrónica Christopher Franke para la
canción de la película Tenchi Muyo! in Love titulada "Alchemy of
Love". Durante esta etapa Hagen mantuvo su personalidad chocante con
atuendos y coreografías inusuales; en 1994 acudió a un programa de televisión
en España mostrando sus pechos bajo una blusa de tul y luciendo una cola a modo
de caballo.
En 1998
Hagen condujo un show semanal de ciencia ficción para el canal British Sci-Fi,
y al año siguiente grabó el álbum Namah Shivay, el cual fue distribuido
exclusivamente en Internet. Además cantó "Witness" en el álbum Adios
de la banda de rock industrial KMFDM.
En 1999
grabó junto al Ensemble Modern, Max Raabe y bajo la dirección de HK Gruber, una
aclamada nueva versión de La ópera de los tres centavos (Die Dreigroschenoper),
ópera de Bertolt Brecht y Kurt Weill, en la cual interpretó el papel de Mrs.
Peachum con gran calidad.
Década de
En 2000, su
tema "Schön ist die Welt" fue la canción oficial de la Expo 2000. "Der
Wind hat mir ein Lied erzählt", otro cover de Zarah Leander, se
convertiría en su nuevo hit ese mismo año. En febrero de 2001 realiza el álbum
The Return of the Mother, acompañado por un nuevo tour en su país natal. Ese
mismo año colabora con Rosenstolz y Marc Almond en el single "Total
eclipse/Die schwarze Witwe that reached #22".
Hagen da voz al personaje de Sally en el doblaje al
alemán de The Nightmare Before Christmas,
película de Tim Burton. Además
colabora con otras bandas como OOMPH! en el tema "Fieber". Más
recientemente junto a Apocalyptica hizo un cover de la canción
"Seemann" de la banda alemana Rammstein.
Como actriz
ha salido recientemente en un polémico spot de protesta junto con Pamela
Anderson, en contra del uso de las pieles animales en general, y en los aviones
en particular.
Nina Hagen Band (1978)
Unbehagen (1979)
Cha-Cha (banda sonora de la película,
con Herman Brood, Lene Lovich; 1979)
NunSexMonkRock (1982)
Angstlos (1983), regrabado en inglés
como Fearless (1984)
In Ekstase (1985), regrabado en
inglés como In Ekstasy (1985)
Wedding EP (1987)
Hagen (1989)
hast den Farbfilm vergessen from the Rock aus Deutschland series, compilación
de los singles previos a Nina Hagen Band (1992)
Ballroom (1993)
Euch (1995), regrabado en inglés como Beehappy (1996)
Namah Shivay (1999)
of the Mother (2000)
Band Explosion (2003)
auf der Welt (2006)
Personal Jesus (2010
Volksbeat (2011)
Fuente: Wikipedia
GB: Nina
Hagen, Catharina "Nina" Hagen (born 11 March 1955) is a German singer
and actress. She has performed throughout the world for over 40 years.
East Germany, she performed with the band Automobil, becoming one of the
country's best-known young stars. Her most famous song from the early part of
her career was "Du hast den Farbfilm vergessen" (You forgot the
colour film), "a subtle dig mocking the sterile, gray, Communist
state," in 1974. Her musical career in the GDR was cut short, however,
when she and her mother left the country in 1976, following the expulsion of
her stepfather.
2000, her song "Schön ist die Welt" became the official song of Expo
2000. Another cover of a Zarah Leander song "Der Wind hat mir ein Lied
erzählt" was a minor hit the same year. The album Return of the Mother was
released in February 2001, accompanied by another German tour. Hagen, a
supporter of HIV/AIDS denialism, wrote the song "Handgrenade" on the
album Return of the Mother for the controversial HIV/AIDs denialist Christine
Maggiore. In 2001 she collaborated with
Rosenstolz and Marc Almond on the single "Total eclipse"/"Die
schwarze Witwe" that reached No. 22 in Germany. On 14 October 2002 Nina
hit Moscow by coming there with her concert, while interviews with the
eccentric singer were aired on many TV-channels.
Fuente: Wikipedia

Hagen was born in the former East Berlin, East Germany, the daughter of Hans
Hagen (also known as Hans Oliva-Hagen), a scriptwriter, and Eva-Maria Hagen
(née Buchholz), an actress and singer. Her paternal grandfather died in the
Sachsenhausen concentration camp (her father was Jewish). Her parents divorced
when she was two years old, and growing up she saw her father infrequently. At
age four, she began to study ballet, and was considered an opera prodigy by the
time she was nine.
Hagen was 11, her mother married Wolf Biermann, an anti-establishment
singer-songwriter. Biermann's political views later influenced young Hagen.
left school at age sixteen, and went to Poland, where she began her career. After that, she returned to Germany and joined
the cover band Fritzens Dampferband (Fritzen's Steamboat Band), together with
Achim Mentzel and others. She added songs by Janis Joplin and Tina Turner to
the "allowable" set lists during shows.
1972 to 1973, Hagen enrolled in the crash-course performance program at The
Central Studio for Light Music in East Berlin. Upon graduation, she formed the
band Automobil.

circumstances surrounding the family's emigration were exceptional: Biermann
was granted permission to perform a televised concert in Cologne, but denied
permission to re-cross the border to his adopted home country. Hagen submitted
an application to leave the country. In it, she claimed to be Biermann's biological
daughter, and threatened to become the next Wolf Biermann if not allowed to
rejoin her father. Just four days later
her request was granted, and she settled
in Hamburg, where she was signed to a CBS-affiliated record label. Her label
advised her to acclimatise herself to Western culture through travel, and she
arrived in London during the height of the punk rock movement. Hagen was
quickly taken up by a circle that included The Slits and Sex Pistols.
in Germany by mid-1977, Hagen formed the Nina Hagen Band in West Berlin's
Kreuzberg district. In 1978 they released their self-titled debut album,Nina
Hagen Band, which included the single "TV-Glotzer" (a cover of
"White Punks on Dope" by The Tubes, though with entirely different
German lyrics), and "Auf'm Bahnhof Zoo", about West Berlin's
then-notorious Berlin Zoologischer Garten station. The album also included a
version of "Rangehn" ("Go for It"), a song she had
previously recorded in East Germany, but with different music.
in 2003
debut album gained significant attention throughout Germany and abroad, both
for its hard rock sound and for Hagen's theatrical vocals, far different from
the straightforward singing of her East German recordings. However, relations
between Hagen and the other band members deteriorated over the course of the
subsequent European tour, and Hagen decided to leave the band in 1979, though
she was still under contract to produce a second album. This LP, Unbehagen
(which in German also means "discomfort" or "unease"), was
eventually produced with the band recording their tracks in Berlin and Hagen
recording the vocals in Los Angeles. It included the single "African
Reggae" and a cover of Lene Lovich's "Lucky Number". The other
band members sans Hagen, soon developed a successful independent musical career
as Spliff.
Hagen's public persona was steadily creating media uproar. She became infamous
for an appearance on an Austrian evening talk show called Club 2, on 9 August
1979, on the topic of youth culture, when she demonstrated (while clothed, but
explicitly) various female masturbation positions and became embroiled in a
heated argument with another panelist. The talk show host had to step down
following this controversy.
also acted with Dutch rocker Herman Brood and singer Lene Lovich in the 1979
film Cha Cha.
in 1980
European tour with a new band in 1980 was cancelled, and Hagen turned to the
United States. A limited-edition 10-inch EP was released on vinyl that summer
in the U.S. Two songs from her first album Nina Hagen Band were on the A side,
and two songs from her second album Unbehagen were on the B-side. All four
songs were sung in German, although two had English titles and the other two
were covers of English-language songs with new German lyrics.
late 1980, Hagen discovered she was pregnant, broke up with the father-to-be
Ferdinand Karmelk, and moved to Los Angeles. Her daughter, Cosma Shiva Hagen,
was born in Santa Monica on 17 May 1981. In 1982, Hagen released her first
English-language album: NunSexMonkRock, a dissonant mix of punk, funk, reggae,
and opera. She then went on a world tour with the No Problem Orchestra.
1983, she released the album Angstlos and a minor European tour. By this time,
Hagen's public appearances were becoming stranger and frequently included
discussions of God, UFOs, her social and political beliefs, animal rights and
vivisection, and claims of alien sightings. The English version of Angstlos,
Fearless, generated two major club hits in America, "Zarah" (a cover
of the Zarah Leander (No. 45 USA) song "Ich weiss, es wird einmal ein
Wunder geschehen") and the disco/punk/opera song, "New York New
York" (No. 9 USA). During 1984 Hagen spent a lot of time in London and UK
based MusicSzene magazine chief-editor Wilfried Rimensberger, in conjunction
with Spree Film, produced a first TV feature on her and what was remaining from
London's 70 Punk movement induced by artist and model Frankie Stein.
1985 album In Ekstase fared less well, but did generate club hits with
"Universal Radio" (No. 39 USA) and a cover of "Spirit in the
Sky" and also featured a 1979 recording of her hardcore punk take on Paul
Anka's "My Way", which had been one of her signature live tunes in
previous years. She performed songs from this album during the 1985 version of
Rock in Rio. Wilfried Rimensberger and award-winning film director Lothar Spree
produced a TV documentary for German Television ZDF. This was followed by a
launch of Nina's UFO fashion underwear at anti-SAFT in Zurich, where again
Rimensberger joined her up with New Romantic icon Steve Strange performing on
stage. Simultaneously fashion photographer Hannes Schmid produced a Nina Hagen
cover for German Cosmopolitan magazine. This also coincided with leading music
publications like BRAVO and MusicSzene running cover stories that all put Hagen
back on the forefront of something that in retrospective became a final
highpoint of what the punk movement was all about. At the end of 1986, her
contract with CBS was over and she released the Punk Wedding EP independently
in 1987, a celebration of her marriage to a 17-year-old punk nicknamed
'Iroquois'. It followed an independent 1986 one-off single with Lene Lovich,
"Don't Kill the Animals". In 1989, Hagen released the album, Nina
Hagen, which was backed up by another German tour.
1989 she had a relationship with Frank Chevallier from France, with whom she
has a son, Otis Chevallier-Hagen.
1998, Nina Hagen recorded the official club anthem Eisern Union for FC Union
Berlin. (supporters chanting)
the 1990s, Hagen lived in Paris with her daughter Cosma Shiva and son Otis. In
1991 she toured Europe in support of her new album Street. In 1992 Hagen became
the host of a TV show on RTLplus. Also
in the same year (1992) she collaborated with Adamski on the European smash and
minor UK hit single "Get Your Body". The following year, she released
Revolution Ballroom. In 1994, Hagen starred in the acclaimed San Francisco
Goethe Institut's "The Seven Addictions and Five Professions of Anita
Berber", playing the singer version of "Anita" alongside dancer
Jennifer Pieren who portrayed the other "professions" of
"Anita". Also, her voice was heard on the Freaky Fukin Weirdoz single
"Hit Me with Your Rhythm Stick". 1995 brought the German-language
album Freud Euch appeared, recorded in English as BeeHappy in 1996. Nina
returned to San Francisco to star in another San Francisco Goethe Institut
show, "Hannusen, Hitler's Jewish Clarvoyant". Hagen also collaborated
with electronic music composer Christopher Franke, along with Rick Palombi
(credited as Rick Jude) on "Alchemy of Love", the theme song for the
film Tenchi Muyo! in Love. In May 1996, she married David Lynn, who is fifteen
years younger, but divorced him in the beginning of 2000. In 1997 she
collaborated with German hip hop musician Thomas D.
1998, Hagen became the host of a weekly science fiction show on the British
Sci-Fi Channel, in addition to embarking on another tour of Germany. In 1999,
she released the devotional album Om Namah Shivay, which was distributed
exclusively online and included an unadulterated musical version of the Hare
Krishna mantra (in real life she believes that the Hindu incarnation of God
known as Krishna was 'the king of Jerusalem'. Krishna is sometimes referred to
as "Christ"). She also provided vocals to "Witness" and
"Bereit" on KMFDM's Adios.
in 1998, she recorded the official club anthem (Eisern Union !) for FC Union
Berlin and four versions were issued on a CD single by G.I.B Music and
Distribution GmbH.
1999, she played the role of Celia Peachum in The Threepenny Opera by Kurt
Weill and Bertolt Brecht, alongside Max Raabe. She also regularly performs
songs by Kurt Weill, Hanns Eisler and Paul Dessau set to Brecht's texts.

dubbed the voice of Sally in the German release of Tim Burton's The Nightmare
before Christmas, and she has also done voice work on the movie Hot Dogs by
Michael Schoemann. Hagen has been featured on songs by other bands, for
instance on Oomph!'s song "Fieber". She did a cover of Rammstein's
"Seemann" with Apocalyptica. Later albums include Big Band Explosion
(2003), in which she sang numerous swing covers with her then husband, Danish
singer and performer, Lucas Alexander. This was followed by Heiß, a greatest
hits album. The following album, Journey to the Snow Queen, is more of an audio
book — she reads the Snow Queen fairy tale with Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker in
the background. In 2005 Nina Hagen headlined the Drop Dead Festival in New York
City. Hagen has been an active protester against the war in Iraq. In 2006 she
was a part of the Popstars team. She is a vegetarian. In August 2009 she was
baptized in the Protestant Reformed church of Schüttorf. On October 21 after seven years passed she
visited Moscow[13] again. After a four year lapse her next album, Personal
Jesus, was released July 16, 2010, followed by Volksbeat, released November 11,
Hagen discography
Hagen Band (1978)
/ Fearless (1984)
Ekstase / In Ecstasy (1985)
Hagen (1989)
Ballroom (1993)
euch / BeeHappy (1995)
Namah Shivay (1999)
of the Mother (2000)
Band Explosion (2003)
auf der Welt (2006)
Jesus (2010)
Volksbeat (2011)
Source: Wikipedia
ES: Méteme el dedo en la garganta; Méteme
el dedo en la garganta; Méteme el dedo en la garganta; Hasta que yo - hasta que
yo - hasta que yo pueda vomitar.
Presióname la garganta con la
cuchilla; Presióname la garganta con la cuchilla; Presióname la garganta con la
cuchilla; Hasta que yo - hasta que yo - hasta que yo pueda sobrevivir.
¿Sientes el alma, la fiebre, el
poder? ¿Sientes el deseo, la fiebre, la noche?
¿Sientes el alma, la fiebre, el
poder? ¿Sentirás el deseo, la fiebre hoy en la noche?
Méteme el dedo en la garganta; Méteme
el dedo en la garganta; Méteme el dedo en la garganta; Hasta que yo - hasta que
yo - hasta que yo pueda vomitar.
Ponme la soga al cuello; Ponme la
soga al cuello; Ponme la soga al cuello
Hasta que yo - hasta que yo - hasta
que yo pueda sobrevivir.
¿Sientes el alma, la fiebre, el
poder? ¿Sientes el deseo, la fiebre, la noche?
¿Sientes el alma, la fiebre, el
poder? ¿Sentirás el deseo, la fiebre hoy en la noche?
¿Sientes el poder en tus manos? ¿Tienes
tu corazón bien sujeto al amarre?
¿Y sientes la noche en tu alma? ¿Tienes
el mundo en tu cabeza?
¿Sientes el alma, la fiebre, el
poder? ¿Sientes el deseo, la fiebre, la noche?
¿Sientes el alma, la fiebre, el
poder? ¿Sentirás el deseo, la fiebre hoy en la noche?
Fuente: Lyricstranslate
Fuente: Lyricstranslate
GB: Stick
your finger down my throat; Stick your finger down my throat; Stick your finger
down my throat; Until I - until I - until I can vomit;
the blade to my throat; Press the blade to my throat;
the blade to my throat; Until I - until I - until I can survive you;
you feel the soul, the fever, the power? Do you feel the longing, the fever,
the night? Do you feel the soul, the fever, the power? Do you feel the longing,
the fever - tonight?
your finger down my throat; Stick your finger down my throat; Stick your finger
down my throat; Until I - until I - until I can vomit;
the noose around my neck; Put the noose around my neck; Put the noose around my
neck; Until I - until I - until I may survive you;
you feel the soul, the fever, the power? Do you feel the longing, the fever,
the night? Do you feel the soul, the fever, the power? Do you feel the longing,
the fever - tonight?
you feel the power in your hands? Do you have your heart in a strong grip?*
do you feel the night in your soul? Do you have the world in your mind?
you feel the soul, the fever, the power? Do you feel the longing, the fever,
the night? Do you feel the soul, the fever, the power? Do you feel the longing,
the fever - tonight?
Source: Lyricstranslate
Source: Lyricstranslate
New York New York
New York New York
BR: cidade de Nova York é o lugar mais
quente; Para uma lua de mel em um quarto de hotel
cidade de Nova York é o meu lugar
favorito; 'Porque eu sei que muitas pessoas com uma cara de ouro; Uh-huh
É sempre tarde da noite quando eu
quero sair; E Nova York tem com certeza a horniest multidão; Especialmente para
mim, isso é verdade; Eu tenho o melhor momento quando você está lá também; Querido,
depois do show, quando estamos prontos para ir
Vamos discoteca; Mas antes de bater
East Street 7; Estamos indo para outro disco
Disco após disco; E sacudindo os
cabelos para o rap discoteca; AM PM, Pyramid, Roxy, Mudd Club, Danceteria; O
mais novo clube está se abrindo (repetir x3)
York, New York (repeat x4)
cidade de Nova York é o lugar mais
quente; Para uma lua de mel em um quarto de hotel
Uh-huh; cidade de Nova York é um
lugar tão agradável. Todo mundo diz que então eles tinham que nomeá-la duas
vezes; New York meu amor feliz é você, eu te amo muito
Eu não poderia viver sem você, então
vamos manter sempre em contato;
New York City tem mais badalados
regra; Quando você quer viver nesta cidade você só tem que ser um idiota
Após o show, quando estamos prontos
para ir; Vamos discoteca; Mas antes de bater East Street 7; Estamos indo para
outro disco; Disco, depois de discoteca; E sacudindo os cabelos para o rap
discoteca; AM PM, Pyramid, Roxy, Mudd Club, Danceteria
O mais novo clube está se abrindo
(repetir x3)
York, New York (repeat x8)
hop hop hop hop hop hop; reta até o topo; Hop hop hop hop hop hop
reta até o topo; Haja luz.; 'David
Bowie vai estar aqui esta noite, em Nova York
eu criar êxtase em meu mundo; Eu sei
quem eu sou; E eu estou disposto a me declarar para o mundo; eu sou uma
estrela! Em Nova York; Quem quer comigo?
Fonte: Vagalume
New York New York
GB: New
York City is the hottest place; For a honeymoon in a hotel room; New York City
is my favorite place; 'Cause I know so many people with a golden face; Uh-huh
always late at night when I wanna go out; And New York City has for sure the
horniest crowd; Especially for me, this is true; I have the best time when
you're there too;
after the show, when we are ready to go; We are going disco; But before we hit
East 7th Street; We are going to another disco; Disco after disco; And shaking
our hair to the disco rap; AM PM, Pyramid, Roxy, Mudd Club, Danceteria; The
newest club is opening up (repeat x3)
York, New York (repeat x4)
York City is the hottest place; For a honeymoon in a hotel room; Uh-huh; New
York City is a place so nice; Everybody says it so they had to name it twice; New
York my happy love's you, I love you very much; I could not live without you,
so let's always keep in touch; New York City has the fanciest rule; When you
want to live in this town you just have to be a fool;
the show when we are ready to go; We are going disco; But before we hit East
7th Street; We are going to another disco; Disco, after disco; And shaking our hair
to the disco rap; AM PM, Pyramid, Roxy, Mudd Club, Danceteria; The newest club
is opening up (repeat x3)
York, New York (repeat x8)
going hop hop hop hop hop hop; Straight up to the top; Hop hop hop hop hop hop
up to the top; Let there be light; 'Cause David Bowie's gonna be here tonight
in New York; I create ecstacy in my world; I know who I am; And I am willing to
declare myself to the world; I am a star! In New York; Whosoever with me;
Fonte: Vagalume
New York New York
So Bad
So Bad
BR: Eu posso ser tão forte; Como um leão
em uma missão; posso fazer nada de errado
Eu posso lutar dia e noite; Essa é a
minha decisão!
Porque o mundo é; (Tão ruim) como
refrigerante diet; (Tão ruim) Eu estou contando 37 guerras; (Tão ruim) User
friendly; (Tão ruim) Perdemos o vocalista dos Doors; (Tão ruim) A conspiração
UFO; (Tão ruim) Fome e depressão; (Tão ruim) Hiroshima Tomsk Chernobil
(Tão ruim) isso nunca vai cicatrizar;
eu posso ser tão bom; Como uma deusa;
Além disso, eu sou modesto; Eu... eu não tenho medo; vou percorrer todo o
caminho; Eu posso mostrar-lhe como orar
Porque o mundo é; (Tão ruim)
quimioterapia mortal; (Tão ruim) As mentiras sobre HIV;
(Tão ruim) Perdemos UO rlast acaso; (Tão
ruim) e todos nós estamos dançando a dança de Shiva; obsessão (Tão ruim)
Genética; (Tão ruim) Desperdícios de energia atômica
(Tão ruim) Surpresa, surpresa, a
indústria da cultura; (Tão ruim) Helmut Kohl!
Você não pode fazer nada errado; Se
você lutar do meu lado; Se você tomar essa decisão
Porque o mundo é; (Tão ruim) IRA e
RAF; (Tão ruim) Será que estamos realmente cegos e surdos; (Tão ruim) O estupro
Yogoslavian; (Tão ruim) E ninguém pode escapar;
(Tão ruim) A loucura nazista; (Tão
ruim) extasy Artificial; (Tão ruim) Eu odeio a minha TV
So Bad
can be so strong; Like a lion on a mission; I can do no wrong; I can fight day
and night
my decision!
the world is; (So bad) Like diet soda; (So bad) I'm counting 37 wars
bad) User friendly; (So bad) We lost the singer of the Doors; (So bad) The U.
F. O. conspiracy; (So bad) Starvation and depress; (So bad) Hiroshima Tomsk
bad) It's never gonna heal
can be so good; Like a goddess; Plus, I'm modest; I... I have no fear;
will go all the way; I can show you how to pray
the world is; (So bad) Deadly chemotherapy; (So bad) The lies about HIV
bad) We've lost ou rlast chance; (So bad) And we're all dancing Shiva's dance;
bad) Genetic obsession; (So bad) Misused atomic energy; (So bad) Surprise,
surprise, the culture industry; (So bad) Helmut Kohl!
can do no wrong; If you fight on my side; If you make that decision
the world is; (So bad) I. R. A. and R. A. F; (So bad) Are we really blind and
bad) The Yogoslavian rape; (So bad) And no-one can escape; (So bad) The Nazi
bad) Artificial extasy; (So bad) I hate my T. V
So Bad
Nina Hagen e Tokyo (Banda Brasileira)
Clipe original remasterizado da banda Tokyo com a participação de Nina Hagen representante do rock alemão e inspiração da música cantada por Supla vocalista da banda e que despontou tempos depois em sua carreira solo.
Garota de Berlim
Nina Hagen - 1990 Lili Marlene (vs Nana Mouskouri)
Link Scrambled Music Blog :
Nina Hagen-Portrait 1/2 (2001)
Nina Hagen-Portrait 2/2 (2001)
Nina Hagen Website: (deutsch)
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