"You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them."
Ray Bradbury
Title: Careless Culture
Genre: Acid/New Age
Lenght: 3´32min.
Composer: The Pilgrim
Album: Kurzschluss (#10)
DAW: FL Studio 12
VSTs: Nexus, Massive, Rise&Hits, Action Stikes;
bpm: 128
Started: 28/09/2016 (14:27PM)
Finished: 29/09/2016
Worktime: 4:04hrs.
The Pilgrim: Homepage
We Bring Music To Life ! Music production from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. International Music festivals, Studio Sessions & DAW/VST Technology. Since 2019 - German labels or labels which are based in Germany.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Bellabeth - Bittersweet
"Bittersweet" Armada Named Sound feat. Bellabeth (Live Version)
Publicado a 29/09/2016
Hope you like this little live rendition of "Bittersweet" - let me know what you think of it and if you want me to also do a live version of the other song I'm featured on: "Life in Lofi"!
Also hope the video editing didn't distract you too much lol.
And ... in case you didn't notice it: there was white cotton on my left shoulder and I only noticed while editing - now try unseeing that xD
All the world you see
And all this misery Just the way we live
And people in their darkest hour
Then you see a smile
Only for awhile
Life is burning fast
And people are just passing by
Vanity is fair when you sleep with it
Doesn't really matter if you never fit
Fear will be lost with the coming of night
[A victory of lust over reason]
Bodies sweat and they become as one
Whispering a song of chains and love
So sweet like never before
All thrill is to be gone
You spend the night alone
But still you wish you'd feel it
And bittersweet's the word
Always break my heart
never be apart
every night in love
but never to be whole alone
Bellabeth: Homepage
Amanda Named Sound: Website
Publicado a 29/09/2016
Hope you like this little live rendition of "Bittersweet" - let me know what you think of it and if you want me to also do a live version of the other song I'm featured on: "Life in Lofi"!
Also hope the video editing didn't distract you too much lol.
And ... in case you didn't notice it: there was white cotton on my left shoulder and I only noticed while editing - now try unseeing that xD
All the world you see
And all this misery Just the way we live
And people in their darkest hour
Then you see a smile
Only for awhile
Life is burning fast
And people are just passing by
Vanity is fair when you sleep with it
Doesn't really matter if you never fit
Fear will be lost with the coming of night
[A victory of lust over reason]
Bodies sweat and they become as one
Whispering a song of chains and love
So sweet like never before
All thrill is to be gone
You spend the night alone
But still you wish you'd feel it
And bittersweet's the word
Always break my heart
never be apart
every night in love
but never to be whole alone
Bellabeth: Homepage
Amanda Named Sound: Website
Friday, September 23, 2016
Bellabeth - How to use Royalty Free Music on Youtube
Publicado a 22/09/2016
I literally only made this video because I had to laugh about the weird ways that people fail at crediting me - weekly videos are HARD okay xD
Music by Holfix:
"Happy Moment (Chiptune Remix)"
Would have been ironic if I had forgotten to credit Holfix xD
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Rudolf Holgerson: Duo Valentino - Hallelujah (Live)
Und wieder ein Livemitschnitt, diesmal mit "Hallelujah"
I heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Well your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you
She tied you to her kitchen chair
She broke your throne and she cut your hair
And from your lips, she drew the Hallelujah
Baby, I've been here before
I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
You know, I used to live alone before, I knew you
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
And Love is not a victory march
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Well, there was a time when you let me know
What's really going on below
But now you never show that to me, do you?
But remember, when I moved in you
And the holy dove was moving too
And every breath, we drew was Hallelujah
Maybe there's a God above
But, all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you?
And it's not a cry, that you hear at night
It's not somebody, who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Rudolf Holgerson: Homepage
Duo Valentino: Homepage
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Rudolf Holgerson - Your Smile Makes My Day
One of my favorite songs, I've written. It's about a smile someone had for me without knowing.
Eines Tages stieß ich auf ein Lächeln, wie ich es selten zuvor gesehen hatte. Ich war so beeindruckt, dass ich ein Lied darüber schreiben musste.
Your Smile Makes My Day
Just the other day I have seen.
While clicking pictures on the screen.
Just killing time once again.
But then, a smiling face just looked at me.
I asked myself how could that be?
And it was so stunning and I got hooked,
while I was running.
And you make my day.
With that smile on your face, don’t turn it away.
You make my day.
So much beautiful looking should always stay.
And when the sun is going down each night.
That smiling keeps on shining just like the northern lights.
What more is there to say, just keep it that way.
And you will never walk alone.
I do not know who you are.
Are you close or are you far?
What is your name? It’s almost a shame,
to find me never reach you.
But then let me tell you I’ll always remember
your shining face.
And maybe you just carry on so I’ve written it down
right in a song.
Just the other day I’ve really seen.
I was surely not in dream.
A simple smile, so beautiful.
So tell me am I a fool?
Rudolf Holgerson: Homepage
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Rudolf Holgerson: Duo Valentino - Fields of Gold
Hier ein Livemitschnitt von Fields Of Gold
You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we walk in fields of gold
So she took her love
For to gaze a while
Upon the fields of barley
In his arms she fell as her hair came down
Among the fields of gold
Will you stay with me?
Will you be my love?
Among the fields of barley
We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky
As we lie in fields of gold
See the west wind move like a lover so
Upon the fields of barley
Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth
Among the fields of gold
I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I've broken
But I swear in the days still left
We'll walk in fields of gold
We'll walk in fields of gold
Many years have passed since those summer days
Among the fields of barley
See the children run as the sun goes down
Among the fields of gold
You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Upon the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold
Rudolf Holgerson: Homepage
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Bellabeth - Royalty-Free Music: "Voices"
Royalty-Free Music: "Voices"
Publicado a 15/09/2016
Download for free here: http://bellabeth.com/royalty-free-music
Interested in working with me? Click here: http://bellabeth.com/hire-me
I could see this one fitting some short super dramatic scene in a movie. Not really a song that fits in the background of a random vlog but I'm sure you can find some use for it!
Believe it or not, this song actually has some meaning in it :P let me see in the comments if you can interpret this 5 word song!
Bellabeth: Homepage
Download for free here: http://bellabeth.com/royalty-free-music
Interested in working with me? Click here: http://bellabeth.com/hire-me
I could see this one fitting some short super dramatic scene in a movie. Not really a song that fits in the background of a random vlog but I'm sure you can find some use for it!
Believe it or not, this song actually has some meaning in it :P let me see in the comments if you can interpret this 5 word song!
Bellabeth: Homepage
The Pilgrim - Cheap Twister
"Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods. Wait. Be patient. The storm will pass. The spring will come."
Robert H. Schuller
Title: Cheap Twister
Genre; Electronic Rock
Duration: 3´47min.
Composer: The Pilgrim
Album: Kurzschluss (# 08)
DAW: FL Studio 12
VSTs: Bassdrum, Nexus;
bpm: 128
Begin: 10/09/2016 (15:29 PM)
Finished: 15/10/2016
Worktime: 10:09hrs.
The Pilgrim: Homepage
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Studio Sessions: Daddy´s Groove
Studio Session: Catz 'N Dogz
The Track: Catz 'N Dogz on creating Killing With Kindness

Publicado a 24/03/2016
The Polish duo break down the remix-like production process behind the Hip-Hop influenced standout from their third LP.
The track continues in every issue of Future Music.
Future Music Magazine: Website
Catz 'N Dogz: Facebook

Publicado a 24/03/2016
The Polish duo break down the remix-like production process behind the Hip-Hop influenced standout from their third LP.
The track continues in every issue of Future Music.
Future Music Magazine: Website
Catz 'N Dogz: Facebook
Scrambled Hip-Hop: Hip-Hop.de - Said & AchtVier: "50/50", Features, Berlin, Hamburg, Graffiti, Promo & Jobs (Interview); Prügelei wegen Farid Bang?! Massiv, Samy Deluxe, MoTrip, Olli Schulz, Visa & mehr bei Ali As; Manuellsen & Animus machen Ansage: "Beastmode II", Kollegah & Stress mit Fler (Interview); Jasko: Angst vor Flop? Fanfragen, serbische Frauen, Shisha, Geld & Hater (Interview); Said & AchtVier: Fanfragen, neue Soloalben, Lakmann, Zocken & Tätowieren (Interview) #waslos
Said & AchtVier: "50/50", Features, Berlin, Hamburg, Graffiti, Promo & Jobs (Interview) #waslos
"Das Album macht einfach Spaß", führt Said als Kaufargument seines Kollaboalbums "50/50" mit AchtVier an. Sein Partner ergänzt: "Wenn es keinen Spaß macht, mach es einfach nicht! [...] Musik soll immer noch Spaß machen!"
Alleine dieses Beispiel verdeutlicht schon, wie sehr sich die beiden ergänzen und wie sie sich die Bälle gegenseitig zuwerfen. Dass die beiden party-technisch "hangover"-mäßig unterwegs waren und richtig eng befreundet sind, zeigen die vielen lustigen Anekdoten im Interview.
Bei Rooz sprechen sie darüber hinaus über die Berlin-Hamburg-Connection, wie sie sich kennengelernt haben, Graffiti, Promo-Action, private Jobs, die Rollen von KD Supier und 187 Strassenbande-Produzent JamBeatz, Feature-Gäste wie Harris, Crackaveli oder Herzog und vieles mehr.
Prügelei wegen Farid Bang?! Massiv, Samy Deluxe, MoTrip, Olli Schulz, Visa & mehr bei Ali As #waslos
Zu Ali As' Release Party zu seinem neuen Album "Euphoria" waren illustre Gäste geladen. Allen voran natürlich unser A-Promi Rooz! Außerdem waren dabei: Massiv, Samy Deluxe (!), Farid Bang (!!), Palina Rojinski, Olli Schulz, Visa Vie, Chefket, MoTrip, Pedaz, Trettmann und viele mehr.
Warum es wegen Farid fast zu einer Schlägerei kam? Guck selbst! :)
Manuellsen & Animus machen Ansage: "Beastmode II", Kollegah & Stress mit Fler (Interview) #waslos
Animus' neues Album "Beastmode II" kommt am 29. April – höchste Zeit, mit den ersten Interviews rauszugehen. Heute knallt es gewaltig, denn die beiden sprechen mit Rooz über ihren Streit mit Fler. Auch Kollegah oder Bushido werden thematisiert.
Wer Manuellsens Rants kennt, weiß, WIE unterhaltsam die Folge geworden ist. Vorhang auf für die nächste virale Folge #waslos, diese!
Jasko: Angst vor Flop? Fanfragen, serbische Frauen, Shisha, Geld & Hater (Interview) #waslos
In der Fanfragen-Edition von #waslos spricht Jasko über S*x mit der Freundin eines Haters, serbische Frauen, Vorschüsse und sehr viel mehr.
Said & AchtVier: Fanfragen, neue Soloalben, Lakmann, Zocken & Tätowieren (Interview) #waslos
Said & AchtVier: "50/50", Features, Berlin, Hamburg, Graffiti, Promo & Jobs (Interview) #waslos
"Das Album macht einfach Spaß", führt Said als Kaufargument seines Kollaboalbums "50/50" mit AchtVier an. Sein Partner ergänzt: "Wenn es keinen Spaß macht, mach es einfach nicht! [...] Musik soll immer noch Spaß machen!"
Alleine dieses Beispiel verdeutlicht schon, wie sehr sich die beiden ergänzen und wie sie sich die Bälle gegenseitig zuwerfen. Dass die beiden party-technisch "hangover"-mäßig unterwegs waren und richtig eng befreundet sind, zeigen die vielen lustigen Anekdoten im Interview.
Bei Rooz sprechen sie darüber hinaus über die Berlin-Hamburg-Connection, wie sie sich kennengelernt haben, Graffiti, Promo-Action, private Jobs, die Rollen von KD Supier und 187 Strassenbande-Produzent JamBeatz, Feature-Gäste wie Harris, Crackaveli oder Herzog und vieles mehr.
Prügelei wegen Farid Bang?! Massiv, Samy Deluxe, MoTrip, Olli Schulz, Visa & mehr bei Ali As #waslos
Zu Ali As' Release Party zu seinem neuen Album "Euphoria" waren illustre Gäste geladen. Allen voran natürlich unser A-Promi Rooz! Außerdem waren dabei: Massiv, Samy Deluxe (!), Farid Bang (!!), Palina Rojinski, Olli Schulz, Visa Vie, Chefket, MoTrip, Pedaz, Trettmann und viele mehr.
Warum es wegen Farid fast zu einer Schlägerei kam? Guck selbst! :)
Manuellsen & Animus machen Ansage: "Beastmode II", Kollegah & Stress mit Fler (Interview) #waslos
Animus' neues Album "Beastmode II" kommt am 29. April – höchste Zeit, mit den ersten Interviews rauszugehen. Heute knallt es gewaltig, denn die beiden sprechen mit Rooz über ihren Streit mit Fler. Auch Kollegah oder Bushido werden thematisiert.
Wer Manuellsens Rants kennt, weiß, WIE unterhaltsam die Folge geworden ist. Vorhang auf für die nächste virale Folge #waslos, diese!
Jasko: Angst vor Flop? Fanfragen, serbische Frauen, Shisha, Geld & Hater (Interview) #waslos
In der Fanfragen-Edition von #waslos spricht Jasko über S*x mit der Freundin eines Haters, serbische Frauen, Vorschüsse und sehr viel mehr.
Said & AchtVier: Fanfragen, neue Soloalben, Lakmann, Zocken & Tätowieren (Interview) #waslos
Im zweiten Teil der #waslos-Folge beantworten Said und AchtVier bei Rooz eure Fanfragen!
Hip-Hop.de: Website
Hip-Hop.de: Website
Scrambled Hip-Hop: Haftbefehl.TV - Milonair - MILOMINATI BLOG 1; Der Haftbefehl von Haftbefehl (Die komplette Doku); Milonair ft. Manuellsen - Alle spucken Töne [Official Video] prod. by Darko Beats;
Publicado a 24/03/2016
Das neue Album von Milonair nennt sich "MILOMINATI" und erscheint am 13.05.2016.
Der Haftbefehl von Haftbefehl (Die komplette Doku)
Der Haftbefehl von Haftbefehl begleitet Aykut Anhan in Istanbul, spricht mit ihm, Weggefährten von früher und heute, über die Geschichte eines Jungen auf der schiefen Bahn, der die Kurve kriegt und es binnen weniger Jahre zu einem der relevantesten Rap-Künstler des Landes geschafft hat.
Milonair ft. Manuellsen - Alle spucken Töne [Official Video] prod. by Darko Beats
Publicado a 18/03/2016
Das neue Album von Milonair nennt sich "MILOMINATI" und erscheint am 20.05.2016.
Haftbefehl.TV: Website
Publicado a 24/03/2016
Das neue Album von Milonair nennt sich "MILOMINATI" und erscheint am 13.05.2016.
Der Haftbefehl von Haftbefehl (Die komplette Doku)
Der Haftbefehl von Haftbefehl begleitet Aykut Anhan in Istanbul, spricht mit ihm, Weggefährten von früher und heute, über die Geschichte eines Jungen auf der schiefen Bahn, der die Kurve kriegt und es binnen weniger Jahre zu einem der relevantesten Rap-Künstler des Landes geschafft hat.
Milonair ft. Manuellsen - Alle spucken Töne [Official Video] prod. by Darko Beats
Publicado a 18/03/2016
Das neue Album von Milonair nennt sich "MILOMINATI" und erscheint am 20.05.2016.
Haftbefehl.TV: Website
Scrambled Festivals: UMF, Tomorrowland & Sensation
Thank U for watching UMF TV's ULTRA LIVE 2016
Publicado a 24/03/2016
Thank U for being part of another amazing live stream!
MUSIC: Paris Blohm - Something About You (Conro's Ultra Miami 2016 remix)
ULTRA LIVE is produced by NOMOBO
UMF: Website
Tomorrowland Brasil 2016 | Official Trailer
Publicado a 21/03/2016
On April 21-22-23 a brand new Chapter in “The Key To Happiness” will be written in Itu, São Paulo, Brazil.
"The Key To Happiness" is a remarkable story about discovering the true values in life.
Unlock true Happiness and join the 3rd Chapter of The Key to Happiness.
Ingressos/Tickets: www.tomorrowlandbrasil.com
Join the Global Family... Join the People Of Tomorrow.
Tomorrowland Brasil (April 21-22-23, 2016)
Tomorrowland Belgium (July 22-23-24, 2016)
Tomorrowland: Website
Aftermovie Sensation India 2016 'Welcome to the Pleasuredome' - Presented by Budweiser
Publicado a 30/03/2016
India, relive our premiere in the Gachibowli stadium in Hyderabad!
Hyderabad, Sensation, Mr.White, Lost Frequencies, Axwell, Afrojack, Laidback Luke and MC Gee want to thank you from from the bottoms of our hearts for a night we will never forget
Sensation: Website
Thank U for watching UMF TV's ULTRA LIVE 2016
Publicado a 24/03/2016
Thank U for being part of another amazing live stream!
MUSIC: Paris Blohm - Something About You (Conro's Ultra Miami 2016 remix)
ULTRA LIVE is produced by NOMOBO
UMF: Website
Tomorrowland Brasil 2016 | Official Trailer
Publicado a 21/03/2016
On April 21-22-23 a brand new Chapter in “The Key To Happiness” will be written in Itu, São Paulo, Brazil.
"The Key To Happiness" is a remarkable story about discovering the true values in life.
Unlock true Happiness and join the 3rd Chapter of The Key to Happiness.
Ingressos/Tickets: www.tomorrowlandbrasil.com
Join the Global Family... Join the People Of Tomorrow.
Tomorrowland Brasil (April 21-22-23, 2016)
Tomorrowland Belgium (July 22-23-24, 2016)
Tomorrowland: Website
Aftermovie Sensation India 2016 'Welcome to the Pleasuredome' - Presented by Budweiser
Publicado a 30/03/2016
India, relive our premiere in the Gachibowli stadium in Hyderabad!
Hyderabad, Sensation, Mr.White, Lost Frequencies, Axwell, Afrojack, Laidback Luke and MC Gee want to thank you from from the bottoms of our hearts for a night we will never forget
Sensation: Website
Scrambled Technology: FAME MSW-2 Funkmikrofon Dual
FAME MSW-2 Funkmikrofon Dual Vocal Set für Gesang und Sprache
Publicado a 29/03/2016
Drahtloses Mikrofonset zum unfassbaren Knallerpreis: Das FAME MSW-2 bietet alles was, man für Sprache oder Gesang ohne Kabel benötigt - und das gleich im Doppelpack!
Music Store TV: Website
Publicado a 29/03/2016
Drahtloses Mikrofonset zum unfassbaren Knallerpreis: Das FAME MSW-2 bietet alles was, man für Sprache oder Gesang ohne Kabel benötigt - und das gleich im Doppelpack!
Music Store TV: Website
Scrambled Festivals: Wacken
Primordial - Gallows Hymn - Live at Wacken Open Air 2008
Publicado a 17/03/2016
Alan Nemtheanga and Primordial met an excited and surprisingly not so hangovered crowd at 11 am at Wacken Open Air 2008.
WackenTV is the place to find hundreds of clips shot on site throughout the history of the world’s most famous Metal festival - getting more and more on every Monday and Thursday.
Legendary performances, gorgeous campground atmosphere and exciting glimpses behind the scenes are gathered here. Meet the Wacken-crew with our host Harry Metal and watch out for Wacken-related stuff like shots from Full Metal Cruise or Hamburg Metal Dayz. Comment our clips, like us on facebook and take part in our video-vote there once a month.
Ill Niño - Full Show - Live at Wacken Open Air 2015
Publicado a 24/03/2016
Ill Niño returned to Wacken Open Air to celebrate their brand of nu metal inside Bullhead City Circus!
Torture Squad - Return of Evil - Official Music Video
Publicado a 21/03/2016
Torture Squad, the Wacken Metal Battle winners from 2007, present the official video clip to their song "Return of Evil". Enjoy some brazilian thrash!
Danko Jones - Interview at Wacken Open Air 2015
Publicado a 28/03/2016
A rare occasion to meet Danko Jones AFTER a show of his. Check out what he told us after his fourth appearance at Wacken.
Wacken; Website
Primordial - Gallows Hymn - Live at Wacken Open Air 2008
Publicado a 17/03/2016
Alan Nemtheanga and Primordial met an excited and surprisingly not so hangovered crowd at 11 am at Wacken Open Air 2008.
WackenTV is the place to find hundreds of clips shot on site throughout the history of the world’s most famous Metal festival - getting more and more on every Monday and Thursday.
Legendary performances, gorgeous campground atmosphere and exciting glimpses behind the scenes are gathered here. Meet the Wacken-crew with our host Harry Metal and watch out for Wacken-related stuff like shots from Full Metal Cruise or Hamburg Metal Dayz. Comment our clips, like us on facebook and take part in our video-vote there once a month.
Ill Niño - Full Show - Live at Wacken Open Air 2015
Publicado a 24/03/2016
Ill Niño returned to Wacken Open Air to celebrate their brand of nu metal inside Bullhead City Circus!
Torture Squad - Return of Evil - Official Music Video
Publicado a 21/03/2016
Torture Squad, the Wacken Metal Battle winners from 2007, present the official video clip to their song "Return of Evil". Enjoy some brazilian thrash!
Danko Jones - Interview at Wacken Open Air 2015
Publicado a 28/03/2016
A rare occasion to meet Danko Jones AFTER a show of his. Check out what he told us after his fourth appearance at Wacken.
Wacken; Website
I Love Hip-Hop: Backspin - Lumaraa: "Falsche Freunde sind wichtig." | BACKSPIN Butter bei die Fische; Nate57 und Niko im Gespräch: "Gauna", Hamburg, Realness, St. Pauli, Medien uvm.
Lumaraa: "Falsche Freunde sind wichtig." | BACKSPIN Butter bei die Fische
Publicado a 23/03/2016
Lumaraa ist eine Rapperin der Bayerischen Stadt Landshut, die am 05. Februar 2016 ihr drittes Album "Gib mir mehr" releast hat. Unser Moderator Stompy traf sie auf der gleichnamigen Tour vor ihrem Konzert im Hamburger Club Indra für unser Format Butter bei die Fische.
Sie sprach unter anderem über ihre Erfahrungen in der bayrischen Provinz und das konträre Bild zu dem, was ihr in Berlin widerfuhr. Außerdem gab Lumaraa private Details über ihr altes Management und die Probleme ihrer letzten Beziehung, sowie der aktuellen mit dem Rapper Der Asiate preis.
Nate57 und Niko im Gespräch: "Gauna", Hamburg, Realness, St. Pauli, Medien uvm.
Publicado a 27/03/2016
Das Album „Gauna“ bestellen: http://amzn.to/1SeE8ce
Vergangenen Freitag erschien sein neues Album „Gauna“, nun traf Nate57 sich mit Niko im Hamburger Schanzenviertel zu einer Runde BACKSPIN Talk. Nate spricht über sein Album und die Beweggründe seiner Texte. Dabei spielt sein Heimatviertel St. Pauli wieder eine große Rolle. Themen wie Drogen, Perspektivlosigkeit und auch die Flüchtlingsthematik begegnen Nate hier tagtäglich. Im Niko mit Niko verrät uns Nate außerdem, was er von der Berichterstattung der Medien und dem Wort „Lügenpresse“ hält.
Backspin: Website
Lumaraa: "Falsche Freunde sind wichtig." | BACKSPIN Butter bei die Fische
Publicado a 23/03/2016
Lumaraa ist eine Rapperin der Bayerischen Stadt Landshut, die am 05. Februar 2016 ihr drittes Album "Gib mir mehr" releast hat. Unser Moderator Stompy traf sie auf der gleichnamigen Tour vor ihrem Konzert im Hamburger Club Indra für unser Format Butter bei die Fische.
Sie sprach unter anderem über ihre Erfahrungen in der bayrischen Provinz und das konträre Bild zu dem, was ihr in Berlin widerfuhr. Außerdem gab Lumaraa private Details über ihr altes Management und die Probleme ihrer letzten Beziehung, sowie der aktuellen mit dem Rapper Der Asiate preis.
Nate57 und Niko im Gespräch: "Gauna", Hamburg, Realness, St. Pauli, Medien uvm.
Publicado a 27/03/2016
Das Album „Gauna“ bestellen: http://amzn.to/1SeE8ce
Vergangenen Freitag erschien sein neues Album „Gauna“, nun traf Nate57 sich mit Niko im Hamburger Schanzenviertel zu einer Runde BACKSPIN Talk. Nate spricht über sein Album und die Beweggründe seiner Texte. Dabei spielt sein Heimatviertel St. Pauli wieder eine große Rolle. Themen wie Drogen, Perspektivlosigkeit und auch die Flüchtlingsthematik begegnen Nate hier tagtäglich. Im Niko mit Niko verrät uns Nate außerdem, was er von der Berichterstattung der Medien und dem Wort „Lügenpresse“ hält.
Backspin: Website
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Rudolf Holgerson: Acceptance
Acceptance is one of the keys to more happiness!
Publicado a 11/03/2012
I wrote and recorded* the song in 2002. The video production took place in my Cherry Tree Studio and in the landscape of St. Peter, Black Forest, Germany, in 2012.
"Sometimes you don't accept the changes.
Sometimes you don't accept the blues.
But it matters most the way you take it
and the way you wear your worn out shoes."
Rudolf Holgerson: Website
Publicado a 11/03/2012
I wrote and recorded* the song in 2002. The video production took place in my Cherry Tree Studio and in the landscape of St. Peter, Black Forest, Germany, in 2012.
"Sometimes you don't accept the changes.
Sometimes you don't accept the blues.
But it matters most the way you take it
and the way you wear your worn out shoes."
Rudolf Holgerson: Website
Bellabeth: Drawing on some EYEBROWS
Drawing on some EYEBROWS
Publicado a 08/09/2016
Watch this first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpI3y...
This time for real - how do you like me with eyebrows?? Well... imagine them being done by somebody that actually know what they're doing xD
I couldn't think of a better title, please let me know in the comments if you can come up with a better one! ^-^
Oh and while you're doing all the work for me: Any ideas for future videos?? xDD
Publicado a 08/09/2016
Watch this first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpI3y...
This time for real - how do you like me with eyebrows?? Well... imagine them being done by somebody that actually know what they're doing xD
I couldn't think of a better title, please let me know in the comments if you can come up with a better one! ^-^
Oh and while you're doing all the work for me: Any ideas for future videos?? xDD
Bellabeth: Website
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
The Pilgrim - "Mad Hope"
"Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable."
Title: Mad Hope
Composer: The Pilgrim
Genre: Acoustic/Electronic
Album: Kurzschluss (#07)
Time: 4´08min.
DAW: FL Studio 12
VSTs: Nexus, Massive, Acoustic Strummer, Studio Drummer;
bpm: 90
Begin: 05/09/2016 (15:13 PM)
Finished: 07/09/2016
Worktime: 4:40hrs.
The Pilgrim: Homepage
Title: Mad Hope
Composer: The Pilgrim
Genre: Acoustic/Electronic
Album: Kurzschluss (#07)
Time: 4´08min.
DAW: FL Studio 12
VSTs: Nexus, Massive, Acoustic Strummer, Studio Drummer;
bpm: 90
Begin: 05/09/2016 (15:13 PM)
Finished: 07/09/2016
Worktime: 4:40hrs.
The Pilgrim: Homepage
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